Processing options (S99EOPTS)

A one-byte field that defines the dynamic allocation message processing options. Select the processing options that you want by setting bits in this field as follows:

Bit Bit Name Meaning When On
0 S99EIMSG The system issues error messages before control returns to the caller of DYNALLOC. This bit must be set on if Bit 5 (S99EWTP) is set on.
1 S99ERMSG The system returns the unformatted messages in message blocks to the caller of DYNALLOC. The system does not issue the messages unless S99EIMSG is set.
2 S99ELSTO The system returns the message blocks to the caller in virtual storage below 16 megabytes.
3 S99EMKEY The caller has specified a storage key in S99EKEY. When building message blocks, the system builds them in a storage area whose key is equal to the key specified in S99EKEY.
4 S99EMSUB The caller has specified a storage subpool in S99ESUBP. The system builds the message blocks in that subpool when S99EMSUB is set.
5 S99EWTP If this bit is set, Bit 0 (S99EIMSG) must also be set, and the system uses a WTO macro to issue the error messages. Otherwise, the system uses a TSO PUTLINE command to issue the messages.
6 - 7   Not an intended programming interface. These bits must be zero.
  1. If your program requested that message blocks be returned from the SVC 99 request, the storage that contains those blocks has a storage key that matches the PSW key value of your program, unless you overrode the storage key using the S99EKEY or S99ESUBP field.
  2. If message blocks are returned, your calling program must ensure that the message blocks are deleted (via FREEMAIN). Failure to do so will cause the message blocks to accumulate in storage, eventually leading to an out-of-storage condition. You may use the IEFDB476 program to process the message blocks. (See Using the functions of the IEFDB476 program). Even if you choose not to use IEFDB476 to manage the process, you may still invoke the program simply to free the message blocks.
  3. Programs attempting to process message blocks using the IEFDB476 program must run with a PSW key value of zero, or with the key that matches the storage key of the storage that contains the message blocks.