Obtaining allocation environment information

Dynamic information retrieval provides you with information about your current allocation environment. You can request allocation information using any of the following: The information returned is the information available at the time that the allocation information request is processed. In cases where the requested information is not applicable or not available, you receive 0 in the length field of the text unit, unless otherwise specified in the text unit description. For example, if you request that the system return the member name of a sequential data set, the system returns 0 in the length field, because sequential data sets do not have member names.

You can ask for information about any or all of your currently-allocated requests by specifying a relative request number. For example, you can obtain information about all your allocation requests by successively asking for information about the 1st, 2nd,...nth allocation request. Code the DINRTLST text unit key (key 13) with this series of requests, to receive an indication of the last relative entry.

Some of the information that you can request using verb code 07 includes:
Note: Dynamic information retrieval returns the compressed version of the z/OS® UNIX pathname (multiple slashes are reduced to a single slash). Information retrieval will return a pathname of /dev/null for dummy z/OS UNIX files, regardless of the pathname originally specified on the JCL or dynamic allocation.

Dynamic information retrieval text units describes the information that you can retrieve.