DCB attribute text units

Use verb code 01 and the text unit keys listed in Table 1 and described on the following pages to specify the DCB attributes of the data set being dynamically allocated. These attributes are described in z/OS MVS JCL Reference under the DCB parameter, and in z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets.

Table 1. –Verb Code 01 (DCB Attributes) Text Unit Keys, Mnemonics, and Functions

Hex Text
Unit Key

Mnemonic DYNALLOC Function
002E DALBFALN Specifies buffer alignment.
002F DALBFTEK Specifies the buffering technique.
0030 DALBLKSZ Specifies blocksize.
0031 DALBUFIN Specifies the receiving buffer count.
0032 DALBUFL Specifies the buffer length.
0033 DALBUFMX Specifies the buffer count per line.
0034 DALBUFNO Specifies the buffer count per DCB.
0035 DALBUFOF Specifies the buffer offset.
0036 DALBUFOU Specifies the sending buffer count.
0037 DALBUFRQ Obsolete. The system checks the text unit for syntax and ignores it.
0038 DALBUFSZ Specifies the line group buffer size.
0039 DALCODE Obsolete. The system checks the text unit for syntax and ignores it.
003A DALCPRI Specifies the relative sending and receiving priority.
003B DALDEN Specifies the magnetic tape density.
003C DALDSORG Specifies the data set organization.
003D DALEROPT Specifies reading and writing error options.
003E DALGNCP Specifies the GAM-I/O count per WAIT macro.
003F DALINTVL Specifies the line polling interval per group.
0040 DALKYLEN Specifies the data set key lengths.
0041 DALLIMCT Specifies the search limit.
0042 DALLRECL Specifies the logical record length.
0043 DALMODE Specifies card punch/reader operational mode.
0044 DALNCP Specifies the READ/WRITE count per CHECK.
0045 DALOPTCD Specifies the control program's operational services.
0046 DALPCIR Specifies the relationship of the receiving PCI to the allocation and freeing of buffers.
0047 DALPCIS Specifies the relationship of the sending PCI to the allocation and freeing of buffers.
0048 DALPRTSP Specifies printer line spacing.
0049 DALRECFM Specifies the record format.
004A DALRSRVF Specifies the first buffer's reserve byte count for insertion of data.
004B DALRSRVS Specifies the secondary buffer's reserve byte count for insertion of data.
004C DALSOWA Obsolete. The system checks the text unit for syntax and ignores it.
004D DALSTACK Specifies the card punch's stacker bin.
004E DALTHRSH Specifies the use percentage of non-reusable direct access message queue records per flush closedown.
004F DALTRTCH Specifies the 7-track tape recording technique.
0054 DALDIAGN Requests OPEN/CLOSE/EOV diagnostic trace option.
005A DALFUNC Specifies the type of data set to be opened for the 3525 Card-Read-Punch-Print.
005B DALFRID Obsolete. The system checks the text unit for syntax and ignores it.
006B DALLRECK Specifies that a record length is in increments of 1,024 (K).
0072 DALKILO Specifies a block size type of Kilobyte.
0073 DALMEG Specifies a block size type of Megabyte.
0074 DALGIG Specifies a block size type of Gigabyte.