CTOKEN return specification - Key = '0071'

DALRTCTK requests that the JES Client Token (CTOKEN) associated with the SYSOUT allocation be returned to the caller of DYNALLOC. When you code DALRTCTK, # must be 1, and LEN must be hex '0050' (decimal 80) and PARM is an 80-byte field.

Dynamic allocation places the allocated CTOKEN in PARM upon completion of the associated SYSOUT allocation request.

When you specify DALRTCTK, you must also specify the SYSOUT key (DALSYSOU - X'0018').

Example: To request that the CTOKEN associated with: the allocated SYSOUT dataset be returned, code
KEY    #      LEN   PARM
0071   0001   0050  --------- ... -------- 80 bytes in length
This specification would be updated upon the assignment of the CTOKEN as: follows
KEY    #      LEN   PARM
0071   0001   0050  xxxxxxxxx ... xxx JES-supplied 80-byte CTOKEN