z/OS DFSMSrmm Managing and Using Removable Media
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Moving physical volumes between system-managed libraries

z/OS DFSMSrmm Managing and Using Removable Media

To move a volume from one system-managed library to another, specify an installation-defined library name as a destination in your vital record specification. You can produce a report after vital record processing has been run to determine which volumes ejected and moved. Use the RMM CHANGEVOLUME subcommand with the EJECT operand to get volumes ejected at the right time. See CHANGEVOLUME: Changing volume information for more information on CHANGEVOLUME.

When you use library names to identify automated or manual tape libraries in the removable media library, DFSMSrmm validates these names by ensuring that they have been defined in the TCDB. You can specify a distributed library name only if the library is an IBM® Virtualization Engine.

See the z/OS DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide for information about moving logical volumes.

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