z/OS DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide
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Install Apache Tomcat

z/OS DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide

  1. As a prerequisite, the Java Runtime Environment 1.5 (31–bit) must be installed under z/OS.
  2. Download the binary Core package "apache-tomcat-5.5.x.zip" from tomcat.apache.org.
  3. Upload the zip files to the Tomcat installation directory within the UNIX system services on your target z/OS system. The Tomcat installation directory must be at least 36 MB large, therefore the hosting mount dataset must have the corresponding number of cylinders.
  4. Logon to the UNIX system services and unpack the zip-file by:
    jar -xvf apache-tomcat-5.5.x.zip
    This will create a "apache-tomcat-5.5.x" sub-directory.
  5. Ensure these environmental variables are set:
    (Replace tomcat_directory by your actual Tomcat installation directory, and 5.5.x by the actual Tomcat version.) You can make these settings by appropriate "export" statements within $HOME/.profile or /etc/profile. For example:
    export CATALINA_HOME=$HOME/tomcat/apache-tomcat-5.5.x
    export _BPXK_AUTOCVT=ON
    Also verify that the $JAVA_HOME variable is set to the actual Java home directory and that the $PATH variable contains $JAVA_HOME/bin. The $LIBPATH must contain $JAVA_HOME/bin and $JAVA_HOME/bin/classic.
  6. To make the Tomcat script files executable, tag them as follows:
    chtag -t -c ISO8859-1 $CATALINA_HOME/bin/*.sh
  7. The DFSMSrmm Web service uses a C++ DLL from the z/OS Link List. The program object is called EDGXHCLL. To make this DLL available for the DFSMSrmm Web service, install a link in the systems library path ($LIB_PATH). Go to the library path in the file system, for example: /usr/lib, and type "ln -e EDGXHCLL libEDGXHCLL.so". This step establishes an external link to the DLL in LINKLST.

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