z/OS DFSMS OAM Planning, Installation, and Storage Administration Guide for Tape Libraries
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JES3 considerations

z/OS DFSMS OAM Planning, Installation, and Storage Administration Guide for Tape Libraries

Unlike the system-managed tape support in the non-JES3 (JES2) environment, the JES3 support relies on customer INISH deck setup and special tape-library-related esoteric names: complex-wide name library-specific name, library-specific device name, complex-wide device name, and a new library-specific distributed name for use with the allocation assist support. By default the allocation assist support is disabled in the JES3 environment. The following sections outline what is needed to use the device allocation assist support in a JES3 environment. The first set of steps is common for device allocation assistance (specific mounts) as well as scratch allocation assistance (scratch mounts). Device allocation assistance can be used independent of the scratch allocation assistance support and vice versa.
complex-wide name
Always LDGW3495. Indicates every device and device type in every library.
library-specific name
An eight character string composed of LDG prefixing the five digit library identification number. Indicates every device and device type in that specific library (for example, LDG12345). In a TS7700 Virtualization Engine, the "library-specific name" refers to the composite library.
library-specific device name
An eight character string composed of LDx prefixing the five digit library identification number. Indicates every device with device type “x” in that specific library (for example, LDE12345, where “E” represents all 3490E devices in library 12345). In a TS7700 Virtualization Engine, the "library-specific device name" refers to the composite library.
complex-wide device name
Contains a prefix of LDG and a device identifier that represents all devices of a particular machine and model type in every tape library (for example, LDG3490E for 3490E devices).
library-specific distributed name
An eight character string composed of LDX prefixing the five digit library identification number of the distributed library (or cluster) in a TS7700 Virtualization Engine. Only for use with the TS7700 Virtualization Engine and only if the device allocation assist functions (DAA, SAA, or both) are to be used by JES3. The "library-specific distributed name" is used in addition to the esoteric names above that are still needed. The LDXxxxxx names should be defined only for distributed libraries (or clusters) that have devices connected to the host.

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