z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide
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Protecting file services provided by LFS/ESA

z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide

If LAN File Services/ESA (LFS/ESA) Release 1 is installed, you can use the LFSCLASS class to control user access to LAN File Services.

The resource name contains two parts:
  • A data set name
  • A workstation directory name
The two parts are separated with a colon. The workstation directory name contains the directory name and at least one subdirectory, with a backslash (\) before every subdirectory name. A maximum length of 246 characters is supported.
Here is an example of using the LFSCLASS class:
  • Create a profile in LFSCLASS class:
  • If you have not already done so, activate the LFSCLASS class:
Note: RACF® supports the backslash (\) character for use with the LFSCLASS class. However, you might need to change your VTAM® translation table to support the backslash (\). For more information, refer to z/OS TSO/E Programming Guide for your operating system.

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