z/OS JES Application Programming
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Requesting Carriage Control

z/OS JES Application Programming

The spool data set browse (SDSB) interface can be used to obtain the carriage control character if it is contained in the record. The spool data set browse interface returns carriage control with the record only if it is requested. Your application indicates that carriage control is wanted by setting flag ACBCCTYP as follows:
  • ACBCCTYP.ACBCCASA = ON indicates that ASA characters are wanted.
  • ACBCCTYP.ACBCCMCH = ON indicates that machine characters are wanted.
Both bits can be turned on to indicate that carriage control is required regardless of format. When a data set contains carriage control, and the application requests carriage control for that type, the control character will be returned in the first byte of the record area returned by JES.
If the data set does not contain carriage control, but the application requests carriage through the setting of ACBCCTYP, JES performs the following:
  • If ACBCCASA is on, JES returns a X'40' as the carriage control.
  • If ACBCCMCH is on, JES returns a X'09' as the carriage control.
  • If both ACBCCASA and ACBCCMCH are on, JES2 returns a X'09' and JES3 returns a X'40' as the carriage control.

To obtain the exact carriage control associated with a record and an indicator of the carriage control type, an application should set the ACBCCANY bit. If this bit is set, JES returns a pointer to the carriage control in RPLCCHAR and the type of carriage control in RPLOPT4.

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