z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide
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JES2 start options

z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide

Table 1. JES2 start options
Option Explanation


FORMAT specifies that JES2 is to format all existing spool volumes. If you add unformatted spool volumes, JES2 automatically formats them whether FORMAT is specified or not. When you specify FORMAT, JES2 will automatically be cold started.
Note: The FORMAT option is denied if this is a multi-access spool configuration, and JES2 is processing in one or more of the other members.

Default: NOFMT specifies that JES2 is not to format existing spool volumes unless JES2 determines that formatting is required.



COLD specifies that JES2 is to be cold started. All jobs in the member are lost.
  1. The COLD option is denied if this is a multi-access spool configuration and JES2 is processing in one or more of the other members.
  2. If the member to be warm started is in a multi-access spool configuration with any other active members, only this member is warm started.
  3. When JES2 is cold started, it will by default start with z11 functions activated unless the UNACT parameter is also specified.

Default: WARM specifies that JES2 is to be warm started. JES2 will continue processing jobs from where they were stopped. If the FORMAT option was also coded, then JES2 will ignore the WARM specification and will cold start.  



NOREQ specifies that the $HASP400 (ENTER REQUESTS) message is to be suppressed and that JES2 is to automatically start processing when initialization is complete.

Default: REQ specifies that the $HASP400 (ENTER REQUESTS) message is to be written at the console. This message allows the operator to restore the MVS environment (VTAM, for example) to what it was before the preceding shutdown and start JES2 processing with the $S command.

This can be overridden with OPTSDEF.



NOLIST specifies that JES2 is not to print the contents of the initialization data set or any error flags that occur during initialization. If you specify NOLIST, JES2 ignores any LIST control statements in the initialization data set. The z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Reference presents an example of an initialization data set listing produced by using the list option.

Default: LIST specifies that JES2 is to print all the statements in the initialization data set and any error flags that occur during initialization. (JES2 prints these statements if a printer is defined for that purpose when JES2 is started.) LIST will not print any statements that follow a NOLIST control statement in the initialization data set.

This can be overridden with OPTSDEF.



NOLOG specifies that JES2 is not to copy initialization statements or initialization errors to the HARDCPY console. If you specify NOLOG, JES2 ignores LOG control statements in the initialization data set.

Default: LOG specifies that JES2 is to honor any LOG statements in the initialization data set.

This can be overridden with OPTSDEF.



VALIDATE specifies that the track group map is validated on a JES2 all-member warm start in addition to the 7–day, ongoing track group validation cycle.

This option when used in conjunction with job queue validation is useful for several special situations that require immediate track group map validation. Refer to thez/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide for a further discussion of using SPOOL=VALIDATE.

Default: SPOOL=NOVALIDATE specifies that the track group map is not validated when JES2 restarts (single-member and all-member warm start and hot start).



CKPT1 specifies that JES2 reads the CKPT1 data set as the source of the checkpoint data for building the JES2 work queues.CKPT2 specifies that JES2 reads the CKPT2 data set as the source of checkpoint data for building the JES2 work queues.
Note: This option is valid only on an all-member warm start.

Default: If you do not specify this option, JES2 determines which checkpoint data set to initially read based on information in the checkpoint data set.

This can be overridden with OPTSDEF or CKPTDEF.  

RECONFIG RECONFIG specifies that JES2 will use the checkpoint data set definitions as specified on the CKPTDEF statement in the initialization data set. JES2 overrides any modifications to the checkpoint data set definitions previously made either by the $T CKPTDEF command or through the use of the checkpoint reconfiguration dialog. Specifying RECONFIG will also cause JES2 to enter the reconfiguration dialog during initialization; and issue message $HASP289 CKPT1 AND/OR CKPT2 SPECIFICATIONS ARE REQUIRED. The CKPTDEF statement definition cannot contain the most current checkpoint definition if you have previously reconfigured your checkpoint configuration through the checkpoint reconfiguration dialog because changes made through the dialog are not saved in the input stream data set.
  1. This option is valid only on an all-member warm start.
  2. Specifying PARM=RECONFIG has the same affect as specifying RECONFIG=YES on the CKPTDEF initialization statement.


HASPPARM=ddname specifies the name of the data definition (DD) statement that defines the data set containing the initialization statements that JES2 is to use for this initialization.

Default:HASPPARM=HASPPARM specifies that JES2 is to be initialized using the initialization statements in the data set defined by the HASPPARM DD statement in the JES2 procedure.

Mutually exclusive with MEMBER=.

MEMBER=membname or PARMLIB_MEMBER= membname


MEMBER=membname specifies the member of the default PARMLIB concatination containing the initialization statments that JES2 is to use for this initialization. PARMLIB_MEMBER= is a synonym for MEMBER=. MEMBER is mutually exclusive with HASPPARM=. The order of processing is:
  1. MEMBER= if specified
  2. HASPPARM= if specified
  3. default HASPPARM=HASPPARM if DD can be opened
  4. default MEMBER=HASjesx member of the default PARMLIB concatination
CONSOLE Causes JES2 to simulate receiving a CONSOLE initialization statement after all initialization statements are processed. That is, if CONSOLE is specified, JES2 will divert to the operator console for further parameter input after all PARMLIB parameter input is exhausted. (Refer to the CONSOLE initialization control statement, above, for further information.)

This can be overridden with OPTSDEF.



NONE, U, or N character specifies that JES2 is to use all the default start options. There is no difference between these three options. These options are equivalent. When NONE, U, or N is specified, JES2 uses the default start options which are:
  • WARM
  • REQ
  • LIST
  • LOG
UNACT UNACT unactivates the new JES2 functions introduced in z/OS Version 1 Release 11. This option reverses the ACTIVATE level=z11 setting. It can be used on an all-member WARM or HOT start or a COLD start.

Default: On a WARM or HOT start, JES2 takes no action and the checkpoint release level stays at the previous setting. On a COLD start, JES2 starts in z/OS Version 1 Release 11 (z11) mode.

$P JES2 If specified, instructs JES2 to terminate immediately.

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