z/OS Communications Server: IP User's Guide and Commands
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Sample FTP.DATA data set (FTCDATA)

z/OS Communications Server: IP User's Guide and Commands

The following is a sample of the contents of the FTP.DATA data set in the FTCDATA member of the SEZAINST data set.

Figure 1. FTP.DATA for FTP client
;                                                                      *
;   Name of File:             SEZAINST(FTCDATA)                        *
;                                                                      *
;   Descriptive Name:         FTP.DATA  (for FTP Client)               *
;                                                                      *
;   SMP/E Distribution Name:  EZAFTPAC                                 *
;                                                                      *
;   Copyright:    Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                 *
;                                                                      *
;                 "Restricted Materials of IBM"                        *
;                                                                      *
;                 5694-A01                                             *
;                                                                      *
;                 Copyright IBM Corp. 1977, 2011                       *
;                                                                      *
;                 US Government Users Restricted Rights -              *
;                 Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by         *
;                 GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.             *
;                                                                      *
;   Status:       CSV1R13                                              *
;                                                                      *
;                                                                      *
;   This FTP.DATA file is used to specify default file and disk        *
;   parameters used by the FTP client.                                 *
;                                                                      *
;   Note: For an example of an FTP.DATA file for the FTP server,       *
;   see the FTPSDATA example.                                          *
;                                                                      *
;   Syntax Rules for the FTP.DATA Configuration File:                  *
;                                                                      *
;   (a) All characters to the right of and including a ; will be       *
;       treated as a comment.                                          *
;                                                                      *
;   (b) Blanks and <end-of-line> are used to delimit tokens.           *
;                                                                      *
;   (c) The format for each statement is:                              *
;                                                                      *
;       parameter value                                                *
;                                                                      *
;                                                                      *
;   The FTP.DATA options are grouped into the following groups in      *
;   this sample FTP client FTP.DATA configuration data set:            *
;                                                                      *
;   1.  Basic configuration options                                    *
;   2.  Unix System Services file options                              *
;   3.  Default attributes for MVS data set creation                   *
;   4.  MVS data set transfer options                                  *
;   5.  Code page conversion options                                   *
;   6.  DB2 (SQL) interface options                                    *
;   7.  Security options                                               *
;   8.  Timers                                                         *
;   9.  Return codes                                                   *
;   10. Checkpoint / Restart options                                   *
;   11. Socks server access                                            *
;   12. Debug (trace) options                                          *
;   13. Additional advanced options                                    *
;                                                                      *
;   For options that have a pre-selected set of values, a (D) indicates*
;   the default value for the option.                                  *
;                                                                      *
;   Options that can be changed via LOCSITE subcommands are identified *
;   with an (S).                                                       *
;                                                                      *
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; 1. Basic FTP client configuration options
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                                     ; while processing remaining
                                     ; statements in this FTP.DATA
                                     ; TRUE - Yes
                                     ; FALSE (D) - No. EZYFT47I is
                                     ; issued to warn of ignored
                                     ; statements
 FILETYPE          SEQ           ; (S) Client mode of operation
                                     ; SEQ = transfer data sets or
                                     ;       files (D)
                                     ; SQL = submit queries to DB2
;SEQNUMSUPPORT FALSE             ; Support sequence numbers when input
                                     ; read from //INPUT DD file
                                     ; FALSE = (D) Do not support
                                     ;         sequence numbers.
                                     ;         EZYFS33I issued if
                                     ;         sequence numbers detected
                                     ; TRUE  = Support sequence numbers
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; 2. Unix System Services file options
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 UMASK             027           ; (S) Octal UMASK to restrict setting
                                     ; of permission bits when creating
                                     ; new z/OS Unix files and named
                                     ; pipes.
                                     ; Default value is 027.
 LISTSUBDIR        TRUE              ; Should wildcard searches span
                                     ; subdirectories?
                                     ; TRUE (D) - Yes
                                     ; FALSE - No
;UNIXFILETYPE      FILE          ; (S) Unix System Services file type
                                     ; FILE (D) - Treat files as regular
                                     ;  Unix files
                                     ; FIFO - Treat files as Unix named
                                     ;  pipes
;FIFOOPENTIME        60          ; (S) FIFO open timeout in seconds when
                                     ; opening a Unix named pipe.
                                     ; Default value is 60 seconds.
                                     ; Valid range is 1 through 86400.
;FIFOIOTIME          20          ; (S) FIFO timeout for I/O to or from a
                                     ; Unix named pipe
                                     ; Default value is 20 seconds.
                                     ; Valid range is 1 through 86400.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; 3. Default MVS data set creation attributes
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 BLKSIZE           6233          ; (S) New data set allocation block
                                     ;   size
                                     ; Default is 6233
                                     ; Valid range is 0 to 32760
;DATACLASS         SMSDATA       ; (S) SMS data class name
                                     ; There is no default
;MGMTCLASS         SMSMGNT       ; (S) SMS mgmtclass name
                                     ; There is no default
;STORCLASS         SMSSTOR       ; (S) SMS storclass name
                                     ; There is no default
;DCBDSN            MODEL.DCB     ; (S) New data set allocation
                                     ; model DCB name - must be a
                                     ; fully qualified data set name
                                     ; There is no default
 DIRECTORY         27            ; (S) Number of directory blocks in
                                     ; new PDS/PDSE data sets.
                                     ; Default value is 27.
                                     ; Range is from 1 to 16777215.
;DSNTYPE           SYSTEM        ; (S) New data set allocation DSNTYPE
                                     ; for physical sequential data sets
                                     ; BASIC = allocate basic format
                                     ;       data set
                                     ; LARGE = allocate large format
                                     ;       data set
                                     ; SYSTEM = use system default (D)
 LRECL             256           ; (S) New data set allocation LRECL.
                                     ; Default value is 256.
                                     ; Valid range 0 through 32760.
 PDSTYPE                         ; (S) no value - allocate MVS
                                     ;    directories according to the
                                     ;    system default (PDS or PDSE)
                                     ; PDS - allocate MVS
                                     ;    directories as a PDS
                                     ; PDSE - allocate MVS directories
                                     ;    as a PDSE
 PRIMARY           1             ; (S) New data set allocation
                                     ; primary space units according
                                     ; to the value of SPACETYPE.
                                     ; Default value is 1.
                                     ; Valid range 1 through 16777215.
 RECFM             VB            ; (S) New data set allocation
                                     ; record format.
                                     ; Default value is VB.
                                     ; Value may be specified as certain
                                     ; combinations of:
                                     ; A - ASA print control
                                     ; B - Blocked
                                     ; F - Fixed length records
                                     ; M - Machine print control
                                     ; S - Spanned (V) or Standard (F)
                                     ; U - Undefined record length
                                     ; V - Variable length records
 RETPD                           ; (S) New data set retention
                                     ; period in days.
                                     ; Blank = no retention period (D)
                                     ; 0 = expire today
                                     ; Valid range 0 through 9999.
                                     ; NB: Note the difference between
                                     ;     a blank value and a value
                                     ;     of zero.
SECONDARY         1             ; (S) New data set allocation
                                     ; secondary space units according
                                     ; to the value of SPACETYPE.
                                     ; Default value is 1.
                                     ; Valid range 1 through 16777215.
 SPACETYPE         TRACK         ; (S) New data set allocation
                                     ; space type.
                                     ; TRACK (D)
                                     ; BLOCK
                                     ; CYLINDER
 UCOUNT                          ; (S) Sets the unit count for an
                                     ; allocation.
                                     ; If this option is not specified
                                     ; or is specified with a value of
                                     ; blank, the unit count attribute
                                     ; is not used on an allocation (D)
                                     ; Valid range is 1 through 59 or
                                     ; the character P for parallel
                                     ; mount requests
;UNITNAME          SYSDA         ; (S) New data set allocation unit
                                     ; name.
                                     ; There is no default.
 VCOUNT            59            ; (S) Volume count for an
                                     ; allocation.
                                     ; Valid range is 1 through 255.
                                     ; Default value is 59.
;VOLUME            WRKLB1,WRKLB2 ; (S) Volume serial number(s) to
                                     ; use for allocating a data set.
                                     ; Specify either a single VOLSER
                                     ; or a list of VOLSERs
                                     ; separated with commas
;EATTR             SYSTEM        ; (S) New data set allocation EATTR
                                     ; specifies whether new data sets
                                     ; can have extended attributes and
                                     ; whether the data sets can reside
                                     ; in the EAS.
                                     ; NO = no extended attributes
                                     ; OPT = yes if volume supports them
                                     ; SYSTEM = use system default (D)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; 4. MVS data set transfer options
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 ASATRANS          FALSE         ; (S) Conversion of ASA print
                                     ; control characters
                                     ; TRUE  = Use C conversion
                                     ; FALSE = Do not convert (D)
 AUTOMOUNT         TRUE          ; (S) Automatic mount of unmounted
                                     ; DASD volumes
                                     ; TRUE  = Mount volumes (D)
                                     ; FALSE = Do not mount volumes
 AUTORECALL        TRUE          ; (S) Automatic recall of
                                     ; migrated data sets
                                     ; TRUE  = Recall them (D)
                                     ; FALSE = Do not recall them
 AUTOTAPEMOUNT     FALSE             ; Automatic mount of unmounted
                                     ; tape volumes
                                     ; TRUE  = Mount volumes
                                     ; FALSE = Do not mount volumes (D)
 BUFNO             5             ; (S) Specify number of access
                                     ; method buffers
                                     ; Valid range is from 1 through
                                     ; 35 - default value is 5
 CONDDISP          CATLG         ; (S) Disposition of a new data set
                                     ; when transfer ends prematurely
                                     ; CATLG  = Keep and catalog (D)
                                     ; DELETE = Delete data set
                                     ; This option applies to z/OS Unix
                                     ; files also
 DIRECTORYMODE     FALSE         ; (S) Specifies how to view the MVS
                                     ; data set structure:
                                     ; FALSE = (D) All qualifiers below
                                     ;         LCWD are treated as
                                     ;         entries in the directory
                                     ; TRUE  = Qualifiers immediately
                                     ;         below the LCWD are
                                     ;         treated as entries in the
                                     ;         directory
 ISPFSTATS         FALSE         ; (S) TRUE = create/update PDS
                                     ;        statistics
                                     ; FALSE = (D) does not create /
                                     ;        update PDS statistics
 MIGRATEVOL        MIGRAT        ; (S) Migration volume VOLSER to
                                     ; identify migrated data sets
                                     ; under control of non-HSM
                                     ; storage management products.
                                     ; Default value is MIGRAT.
 QUOTESOVERRIDE    TRUE          ; (S) How to treat quotes at the
                                     ; beginning or surrounding file
                                     ; names.
                                     ; TRUE  = Override current working
                                     ;         directory (D)
                                     ; FALSE = Treat quotes as part of
                                     ;         file name
 RDW               FALSE         ; (S) Specify whether Record
                                     ; Descriptor Words (RDWs) are
                                     ; discarded or retained.
                                     ; TRUE  = Retain RDWs and transfer
                                     ;         as part of data
                                     ; FALSE = Discard RDWs when
                                     ;         transferring data (D)
;READVB            LE            ; (S) Specifies whether variable length
                                     ; MVS data sets are read using LE
                                     ; or BSAM (low level I/O)
                                     ; BSAM  =  Use BSAM
                                     ; LE    =  Use LE             (D)
TRAILINGBLANKS    FALSE         ; (S) How to handle trailing blanks
                                     ; in fixed format data sets during
                                     ; text transfers.
                                     ; TRUE  = Retain trailing blanks
                                     ;         (include in transfer)
                                     ; FALSE = Strip off trailing
                                     ;         blanks (D)
 TRUNCATE          FALSE         ; (S) Used in conjuction with
                                     ; WRAPRECORD to specify what to do
                                     ; if no new-line is encountered
                                     ; before reaching the MVS data set
                                     ; record length limit as defined
                                     ; by LRECL when transferring data
                                     ; to MVS.  This parameter only has
                                     ; meaning if WRAPRECORD is false.
                                     ; TRUE (D) = allow truncation and
                                     ;  continue with the file transfer
                                     ; FALSE = fail the file
                                     ;  transfer instead of truncating
 WRAPRECORD        FALSE         ; (S) Specify what to do if no new-line
                                     ; is encountered before reaching
                                     ; the MVS data set record length
                                     ; limit as defined by LRECL when
                                     ; transferring data to MVS.
                                     ; TRUE  = Wrap data to new record
                                     ; FALSE = Truncate data (D)
 WRTAPEFASTIO      FALSE         ; (S) How should the server write
                                     ; ASCII stream mode to tapes?
                                     ; TRUE = Use BSAM I/O routines
                                     ; FALSE (D) = Use LE Run Time
                                     ;   library fwrite
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; 5. Text code page conversion options
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;CCTRANS           dsn_qual          ; Control connection translate
                                     ; table data set qualifier.
                                     ; Used to search for
                                     ;   a) userid.dsn_qual.TCPXLBIN
                                     ;   b) hlq.dsn_qual.TCPXLBIN
                                     ; If CTRLCONN is specified, that
                                     ; value overrides CCTRANS.
;CTRLCONN          7BIT          ; (S) ASCII code page for
                                     ; control connection.
                                     ; 7BIT is the default if CTRLCONN
                                     ; is not specified AND no TCPXLBIN
                                     ; translation table data set found.
                                     ; Can be specified as any iconv
                                     ; supported ASCII code page, such
                                     ; as IBM-850
;DBSUB             FALSE         ; (S) Specifies whether untranslatable
                                     ; data bytes should be replaced
                                     ; with substitution character in
                                     ; iconv() during data transfer.
                                     ; TRUE  =  Replace each
                                     ;  untranslatable byte
                                     ; FALSE =  Terminate transfer (D)
                                     ;  when untranslatable bytes are
                                     ;  detected
;ENCODING          SBCS          ; (S) Specifies whether multi-byte or
                                     ; single-byte data conversion is
                                     ; to be performed on ASCII data
                                     ; transfers.
                                     ; MBCS  =  Use multi-byte
                                     ; SBCS  =  Use single-byte    (D)
;EXTDBSCHINESE     TRUE          ; (S) Specifies whether to use extended
                                     ; double byte range for Simplified
                                     ; Chinese or the old range.
                                     ; TRUE = (D) Use the extended range
                                     ;        1st byte x'81' - x'FE'
                                     ;        2nd byte x'40' - x'FE'
                                     ; FALSE= Use the range of
                                     ;        1st byte x'8C' - x'FE'
                                     ;        2nd byte x'A1' - x'FE'
;EXTENSIONS        UTF8              ; Enable RFC 2640 support.
                                     ; Default is disabled.
                                     ; Control connection starts as
                                     ; 7bit ASCII and switches to UTF-8
                                     ; encoding when LANG command
                                     ; processed successfully.  CCTRANS
                                     ; and CTRLCONN are ignored.
;MBDATACONN  (IBM-1388,IBM-5488) ; (S) Specifies the conversion table
                                     ; names for the data connection
                                     ; when ENCODING has a value of
                                     ; MBCS. The names are the file
                                     ; system code page name and the
                                     ; network transfer code page name.
;MBSENDEOL         CRLF          ; (S) When translating multi-byte data
                                     ; to ASCII :
                                     ; CRLF = (D) Append a carriage
                                     ;        return (x'0D') and line
                                     ;        feed (x'0A') to each line
                                     ;        of text. This is the
                                     ;        default and the standard
                                     ;        line terminator defined by
                                     ;        RFC 959. The z/OS server
                                     ;        and client can receive
                                     ;        ASCII data only in this
                                     ;        format.
                                     ; CR   = Append a carriage return
                                     ;        (x'0D') only to each line
                                     ;        of text.
                                     ; LF   = Append a line feed (x'0A')
                                     ;        only to each line of text.
                                     ; NONE = Do not append a line
                                     ;        terminator to any line of
                                     ;        text.
;MBREQUIRELASTEOL TRUE           ; (S) Specifies whether the last
                                    ; record of an incoming multibyte
                                    ; transfer is required to have
                                    ; an EOL sequence.
                                    ; TRUE  A missing EOL on the last
                                    ; record received is treated as an
                                    ; error (D)
                                    ; FALSE  A missing EOL on the last
                                    ; record received is ignored
;REMOVEINBEOF      FALSE         ; (S) Remove final UNIX EOF from
                                     ; inbound ASCII transfers
                                     ; TRUE - final UNIX EOF is removed
                                     ; FALSE - final UNIX EOF is not
                                     ; removed (D)
;SBDATACONN  (IBM-1047,IBM-850)  ; (S) file system/network transfer
                                     ; code pages for data connection.
                                     ; Either a fully-qualified MVS
                                     ; data set name or z/OS Unix file
                                     ; name built with the CONVXLAT ;
                                     ; utility -
                                     ;     HLQ.MY.TRANS.DATASET
                                     ;     /u/user1/my.trans.file
                                     ; Or a file system code page name
                                     ; followed by a network transfer
                                     ; code page name according to
                                     ; iconv supported code pages -
                                     ; for example
                                     ;     (IBM-1047,IBM-850)
                                     ; If SBDATACONN is not present,
                                     ; std. search order for a default
                                     ; translation table data set will
                                     ; be used.
;SBSENDEOL         CRLF          ; (S) When translating single-byte
                                     ; data to ASCII :
                                     ; CRLF = (D) Append a carriage
                                     ;        return (x'0D') and line
                                     ;        feed (x'0A') to each line
                                     ;        of text. This is the
                                     ;        default and the standard
                                     ;        line terminator defined by
                                     ;        RFC 959. The z/OS server
                                     ;        and client can receive
                                     ;        ASCII data only in this
                                     ;        format.
                                     ; CR   = Append a carriage return
                                     ;        (x'0D') only to each line
                                     ;        of text.
                                     ; LF   = Append a line feed (x'0A')
                                     ;        only to each line of text.
                                     ; NONE = Do not append a line
                                     ;        terminator to any line of
                                     ;        text.
;SBSUB             FALSE         ; (S) Specifies whether untranslatable
                                     ; data bytes should be replaced
                                     ; with SBSUBCHAR when detected
                                     ; during SBCS data transfer.
                                     ; TRUE  =  Replace each
                                     ;  untranslatable byte with
                                     ;  SBSUBCHAR.
                                     ; FALSE =  Terminate transfer (D)
                                     ;  when untranslatable bytes are
                                     ;  detected
;SBSUBCHAR         SPACE         ; (S) Specifies the substitution char
                                     ; for SBCS data transfer when
                                     ; SBSUB is TRUE.
                                     ; nn    = hexadecimal value from
                                     ;         0x'00' to 0x'FF'.
                                     ; SPACE = x'40' when target code
                                     ;         set is EBCDIC, and
                                     ;         x'20' when target code
                                     ;         set is ASCII. (D)
;SBTRANS           dsn_qual          ; Data connection translate
                                     ; table data set qualifier.
                                     ; Used to search for
                                     ;   a) userid.dsn_qual.TCPXLBIN
                                     ;   b) hlq.dsn_qual.TCPXLBIN
                                     ; If SBDATACONN is specified, that
                                     ; value overrides SBTRANS
;UCSHOSTCS         code_set      ; (S) Specify the EBCDIC code set
                                     ; to be used for data conversion
                                     ; to or from UCS-2.
                                     ; If UCSHOSTCS is not specified,
                                     ; the current EBCDIC code page
                                     ; for the data connection is used.
 UCSSUB            FALSE         ; (S) Specify whether UCS-2 to EBCDIC
                                     ; conversion should use the EBCDIC
                                     ; substitution character or
                                     ; cause the data transfer to be
                                     ; terminated if a UCS-2 character
                                     ; cannot be converted to a
                                     ; character in the target EBCDIC
                                     ; code set
                                     ; TRUE  = Use substitution char
                                     ; FALSE = Terminate transfer (D)
 UCSTRUNC          FALSE         ; (S) Specify whether the transfer
                                     ; of UCS-2 data should be
                                     ; aborted if truncation
                                     ; occurs at the MVS host
                                     ; TRUE  = Truncation allowed
                                     ; FALSE = Terminate transfer (D)
;UNICODEFILESYSTEMBOM ASIS           ; (S) When storing UNICODE files,
                                     ; specifies whether to store a
                                     ; Byte Order Mark (BOM) as the
                                     ; first character of the file.
                                     ; ASIS   = (D) Store a BOM if one
                                     ;   was transmitted with the file
                                     ;   as the first character.
                                     ; ALWAYS = Always store a BOM as
                                     ;   the first character of the file
                                     ; NEVER   = Never store a BOM as
                                     ;   the first character of the file
                                     ;   regardless of whether a BOM was
                                     ;   was sent.  Although a BOM can
                                     ;   appear anywhere within the
                                     ;   file, only a BOM sent as the
                                     ;   first file character is
                                     ;   affected by this setting.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; 6. DB2 (SQL) interface options
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 DB2               DB2           ; (S) DB2 subsystem name
                                     ; The default name is DB2
 DB2PLAN           EZAFTPMQ          ; DB2 plan name for FTP client
                                     ; The default name is EZAFTPMQ
 SPREAD            FALSE         ; (S) SQL spreadsheet output format
                                     ; TRUE  = Spreadsheet format
                                     ; FALSE = Not spreadsheet
                                     ;         format (D)
 SQLCOL            NAMES         ; (S) SQL output headings
                                     ; NAMES  = Use column names (D)
                                     ; LABELS = Use column labels
                                     ; ANY    = Use label if defined,
                                     ;          else use name
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; 7. Security options
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;SECURE_MECHANISM  GSSAPI            ; Name of the security mechanism
                                     ; that the client uses when it
                                     ; sends an AUTH command to the
                                     ; server.
                                     ; GSSAPI = Kerberos support
                                     ; TLS    = TLS
;SECURE_FTP        ALLOWED           ; Authentication indicator
                                     ; ALLOWED        (D)
                                     ; REQUIRED
;SECURE_CTRLCONN   CLEAR             ; Minimum level of security for
                                     ; the control connection
                                     ; CLEAR          (D)
                                     ; SAFE
                                     ; PRIVATE
;SECURE_DATACONN   CLEAR             ; Minimum level of security for
                                     ; the data connection
                                     ; NEVER
                                     ; CLEAR          (D)
                                     ; SAFE
                                     ; PRIVATE
;SECURE_HOSTNAME   OPTIONAL          ; Authentication of hostname in
                                     ; the server certificate
                                     ; OPTIONAL (D)
                                     ; REQUIRED
;SECURE_PBSZ       16384             ; Kerberos maximum size of the
                                     ; encoded data blocks
                                     ; Default value is 16384
                                     ; Valid range is 512 through 32768
; Name of a ciphersuite that can be passed to the partner during
; the TLS handshake. None, some, or all of the following may be
; specified. The number to the far right is the cipherspec id
; that corresponds to the ciphersuite's name.
;CIPHERSUITE       SSL_NULL_MD5      ; 01
;CIPHERSUITE       SSL_RC4_MD5_EX    ; 03
;CIPHERSUITE       SSL_RC4_MD5       ; 04
;CIPHERSUITE       SSL_RC4_SHA       ; 05
;CIPHERSUITE       SSL_RC2_MD5_EX    ; 06
;CIPHERSUITE       SSL_DES_SHA       ; 09
;CIPHERSUITE       SSL_AES_256_SHA   ; 35
;KEYRING           name              ; Name of the keyring for TLS
                                     ; It can be the name of a z/OS Unix
                                     ; file (name starts with /) or
                                     ; a resource name in the security
                                     ; product (e.g., RACF)
;TLSTIMEOUT        100               ; Maximum time limit between full
                                     ; TLS handshakes to protect data
                                     ; connections
                                     ; Default value is 100 seconds.
                                     ; Valid range is 0 through 86400
;SECUREIMPLICITZOS TRUE          ; (S) Specify whether client will
                                     ; connect to a z/OS FTP server
                                     ; when connecting to the TLS port.
                                     ; TRUE  (D)
                                     ; FALSE  Use FALSE if server is
                                     ; not z/OS or when not connecting
                                     ; to the TLS port as specified by
                                     ; the TLSPORT statement.
;TLSPORT           990               ; Specify which FTP port is
                                     ; implicitly secured with TLS
                                     ;   0   disable implicit security
                                     ; 990  (D) default value
                                     ; Valid range is 0 to 65534
;TLSRFCLEVEL       DRAFT         ; (S) Specify what level of RFC 4217,
                                     ; On Securing ; FTP with TLS, is
                                     ; supported
                                     ; DRAFT (D) Internet Draft level
                                     ; RFC4217   RFC level
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; 8. Timers
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 CCONNTIME         30                ; Timeout value for successful
                                     ; close of control connection.
                                     ; Default value is 30 seconds.
                                     ; Valid range is 15 through 86400.
                                     ; 0 = do not timeout
 DATACTTIME        120               ; Timeout for send/receive data
                                     ; operations.
                                     ; Default value is 120 seconds.
                                     ; Valid range is 15 through 86400.
                                     ; 0 = do not timeout
;DATAKEEPALIVE    0              ; (S) Keepalive packets are sent
                                     ; after the data connection is
                                     ; idle for the specified number
                                     ; of seconds on the data
                                     ; connection.
                                     ; 0 seconds (D)
                                     ; 0 = use keepalive interval
                                     ; configured in the PROFILE.TCPIP
                                     ; for passive mode and no keepalive
                                     ; packets for active mode
                                     ; Valid range is 60 - 86400
 DCONNTIME         120               ; Timeout value for successful
                                     ; close of data connection.
                                     ; Default value is 120 seconds.
                                     ; Valid range is 15 through 86400.
                                     ; 0 = do not timeout
;DSWAITTIME        0             ; (S) The approximate number of
                                     ; minutes ftp waits when trying
                                     ; to access an MVS data set.
                                     ; Default is 0 minutes
                                     ; 0 (D)
                                     ; Valid range is 0 - 14400
 FTPKEEPALIVE      0                 ; Keepalive packets are sent after
                                     ; the control connection is
                                     ; idle for the specified number
                                     ; of seconds
                                     ; Default is 0 seconds
                                     ; 0 = do not send keepalive packets
                                     ; Valid range is 60 - 86400
 INACTTIME         120               ; The time in seconds to wait for
                                     ; an expected response from the
                                     ; server.
                                     ; Default value is 120 seconds.
                                     ; Valid range is 15 through 86400.
                                     ; 0 = do not timeout
 MYOPENTIME        60                ; Connection timeout value in
                                     ; seconds.
                                     ; Default value is 60 seconds.
                                     ; Valid range is 15 through 86400.
                                     ; 0 = do not timeout
 PROGRESS          10                ; Time interval in seconds between
                                     ; progress updates for file
                                     ; transfers.  Default is 10 seconds
                                     ; Valid range is 10 through 86400,
                                     ; or 0 to request no updates.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; 9. Return codes
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;CLIENTERRCODES    FALSE             ; Return code format
                                     ; TRUE - 2 digit error return code
                                     ; FALSE (D) - 5 digit XXYYY format
                                     ;    XX - FTP subcommand
                                     ;    YYY - server reply code
                                     ; EXTENDED - 4 digit XXYY format
                                     ;    XX - 2 digit error return code
                                     ;    YY - FTP subcommand
;LOGCLIENTERR      FALSE             ; Report errors with EZZ9830I msg?
                                     ; TRUE      - Yes
                                     ; FALSE (D) - No
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; 10. Checkpoint / Restart options
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 CHKPTINT          0             ; (S) Specify the checkpoint interval
                                     ; in number of records.
                                     ; NB: checkpointing only works
                                     ; with datatype EBCDIC and block
                                     ; or compressed transfer mode.
                                     ; 0 = no checkpoints (D)
 RESTGET           TRUE          ; (S) Should checkpointing occur during
                                     ; a GET operation?
                                     ; TRUE (D) - Yes
                                     ; FALSE    - No
 CHKPTPREFIX       HOME          ; (S) Low level qualifier of checkpoint
                                     ; data set: FTP.CHECKPOINT
                                     ; HOME (D) - either TSO prefix or
                                     ;      UNIX local directory path
                                     ; USERID - login user ID
                                     ; LOCAL - current local directory
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------;
; 11. SOCKS server options
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;SOCKSCONFIGFILE   /etc/socks.conf   ; file path for SOCKS configuration
                                     ; file.  The SOCKS configuration
                                     ; file specifies which FTP servers
                                     ; should be accessed via SOCKS.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; 12. Debug (trace) options
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;DEBUG             TIME              ;   time stamp client trace entries
;DEBUG             ALL               ;   activate all traces
;DEBUG             BAS               ;   active basic traces
                                     ;      (marked with an *)
;DEBUG             FLO               ;   function flow
;DEBUG             CMD               ; * command trace
;DEBUG             PAR               ;   parser details
;DEBUG             INT               ; * program initialization and
                                     ;      termination
;DEBUG             ACC               ;   access control (logging in)
;DEBUG             SEC               ;   security processing
;DEBUG             UTL               ;   utility functions
;DEBUG             FSC(1)            ; * file services
;DEBUG             SOC(1)            ; * socket services
;DEBUG             SQL               ;   special SQL processing
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; 13. Additional advanced options
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 CHKCONFIDENCE     FALSE         ; (S) FALSE = (D) Do not perform
                                     ;         confidence checks of
                                     ;         data transfers.
                                     ; TRUE  = Check and report on
                                     ;         the confidence in the
                                     ;         successful completion of
                                     ;         a data transfer. The FTP
                                     ;         client reports the level
                                     ;         of confidence after each
                                     ;         file transfer with the
                                     ;         message EZA2108I.
;FWFRIENDLY        FALSE         ; (S) Use firewall friendly protocol
                                     ; for starting data connections?
                                     ; TRUE - Yes
                                     ; FALSE (D) - NO
;EPSV4             FALSE         ; (S) Use NAT firewall friendly protoco
                                     ; for starting data connections?
                                     ; TRUE - Yes
                                     ; FALSE (D) - NO
;PASSIVEIGNOREADDR FALSE         ; (S) Specifies whether the FTP client
                                     ; should ignore the IP address in
                                     ; the FTP server PASV reply for
                                     ; the data connection and use the
                                     ; IP address that was used to log
                                     ; into the FTP server.
                                     ; TRUE - Ignore FTP Server PASV
                                     ; reply IP address
                                     ; FALSE (D) - Use FTP Server PASV
                                     ; reply IP address
;NETRCLEVEL        1                 ; When logging in, should the FTP
                                     ; server's IP addr be converted to
                                     ; a host name to use NETRC login
                                     ; file?
                                     ; 1 (D) - IP addr is not converted
                                     ; 2     - IP addr is converted
                                     ; 2     - IP addr is converted
;TRACECAPI         CONDITIONAL       ; When the FTP client is invoked
                                     ; from the FTP Callable API, write
                                     ; records to the API trace spool
                                     ; data set based on this setting
                                     ; CONDITIONAL (D)
                                     ;   Trace requests for which the
                                     ;   application has set the
                                     ;   FCAI_TraceIt field to
                                     ;   FCAI_TraceIt_Yes (1)
                                     ; ALL
                                     ;   Trace all requests, regardless
                                     ;   of the value in FCAI_TraceIt
                                     ; NONE
                                     ;   Trace no requests, regardless
                                     ;   of the value in FCAI_TraceIt

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