z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 4 (EZZ, SNM)
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z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 4 (EZZ, SNM)

Usage: trmdstat <Options> log_file_name


The following is the complete text of the message:
Usage: trmdstat <Options> log_file_name                              
 Report type options:                                                
   -A              - Displays the ATTACK report                      
   -C              - Displays the CONNECTION report                  
   -F              - Displays the FLOOD report                       
   -I              - Displays the IDS summary report                 
   -N              - Displays the SCAN report                        
   -T              - Displays the TCP TR report                      
   -U              - Displays the UDP TR report                      
   default         - Displays the TCP TR summary report              
 Report content options:                                             
   -D              - For -A, -C, -F, -N, -T or -U                    
                     displays the details information                
   -E              - For -T                                          
                     displays the extended summary information       
   -S              - For -A, -F, -T, or -U                           
                     displays statistics information                 
 Stack name option:                                                  
   -j stack name   - The name of the TCP/IP stack for which records  
                     are to be included                              
 IP Address and port range options:                                  
   -h ip_address   - For -A, -C, -F, -N or -U                        
                     displays information for ip_address             
   -k ip_address   - For -T and -S                                   
                     displays information for the peak ip_address    
   -s ip_address   - For -A or -T (without -S)                       
                     displays information for the source ip_address  
   -t ip_address   - For -A or -T                                    
                     displays information for the destination        
   -p port_range   - For -C -T or -U                                 
                     For -A or -F (without -S)                       
                     Port range to be included                       
 Time range options: (mmddhhmmss)                                     
   -i initial_time - Time of the first record to be included         
   -f final_time   - Time of the final record to be included         
 Additional filter options:                                          
   -c correlator   - Select records with this correlator             
                     Not valid with -S or -I.                        
   -n interface    - For -F, select records by interface name        
 Debug option:                                                        
   -d debug_level  - Specifies the debug level                       

TRMDSTAT was invoked requesting help or with a specification error.

System action

TRMDSTAT processing ends.

Operator response


System programmer response




Procedure name


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