Setting up and running the CICS PLT program

About this task

The GXLINPLT assembler program uses the MVS™ LOAD command on the z/OS® XML System Services module, GXLIMODV, the validating parser. GXLINPLT is distributed as part of z/OS and is installed in SYS1.SIEALNKE(GXLINPLT). By default, it is in the LNKLST.

The following steps are required to add GXLINPLT as a program list table (PLT) program in CICS® and to run at CICS start up:


  1. Define GXLINPLT to the CICS CSD. See CICS examplesfor an example of a job that uses the DFHCSDUP program to define GXLINPLT to the CICS CSD. See CICS Resource Definition Guide for more information on DFHCSDUP programs. See CICS Resource Definition Guide for more information on the CICS CSD.
  2. Add the CICS group that contains the GXLINPLT program in a GRPLST that is included at CICS startup. Here is an example: add a new group, GXLXMLCG to GRPLST GXLXMLCL, and add GXLXMLCL to the GRPLST parameter in the DFH$SIPx file.
  3. Customize the Program Load Table (PLT) to include the z/OS XML System Services program, GXLINPLT, to run during the second stage of initialization. For an example of a job to update the PLT table, see CICS examples. For this example, the DFH$SIPx would include the entry: PLTPI=I1. Next, add the load module where the program (in the above example, the DFHPLTI1 program) is installed, to the CICS DFHRPL concatenation.

  4. Add the data set where GXLINPLT is installed to the CICS DFHRPL concatenation. By default, this data set is SYS1.SIEALNKE.
    Note: GXLINPLT may also run as a CICS transaction.


For more information on how to setup and run CICS PLT programs, see the CICS Customization Guide.