Aux info record - Error_Location

This is a type of aux info record. This record pertains to the XEC_CTL_ERROR_HANDLING features. It has the following format:
Table 1. Aux info record - Error_Location
+0 record type flags reserved
+4 record length
+8 aux flag aux type = 0x0101
+C error flags
+10 error location path length
+14 error location path value
+n error namespace context length
+n+4 error namespace context value
The flags field (XEH_ErrFlags) consists of the following possible values:
Error occurred in the XML declaration or text declaration portion of the document.
Error occurred in the document type declaration portion of the document.
Error occurred in the element portion of the document.
Error occurred within PIs, comments in the prolog, miscellaneous areas of the document, or between markup.
Error occurred within entity replacement text while resolving an entity reference. This bit will be on in addition to the other bits.
Error occurs within an attribute which is a namespace declaration.
The error location path field is a string in the form of a length/value pair which represents the approximate location of the failure.

The namespace context is a list of namespace URIs delimited by '/' characters with each step corresponding to the same step in the error location path. Each namespace URI will be surrounded by double quote characters to aid in parsing the string.