z/OS Language Environment Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications
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Assembler main routine calling HLL subroutines for better performance

z/OS Language Environment Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications

To improve performance of a C, C++, COBOL, or PL/I routine called repeatedly from assembler, use a Language Environment-conforming assembler routine, because the Language Environment environment is maintained across calls. If the assembler routine is not Language Environment-conforming, the Language Environment environment is initialized and terminated at every call. To improve the performance for an assembler routine that is not Language Environment-conforming, use preinitialization services. (See z/OS Language Environment Programming Guide for information about using preinitialization services.)

The call can be either a static call (the HLL routine is linked with the assembler routine) or a dynamic load (using the CEELOAD or the CEEFETCH macro). The assembler routine is a main routine and the called HLL program is a subroutine.

For example, see Figure 1, which demonstrates a Language Environment-conforming assembler routine statically calling a COBOL program.

Figure 1. Language Environment-conforming assembler routine calling COBOL routine
 *COMPILATION UNIT: LEASMCB                                               
 * =====================================================================  
 *   Bring up the LE/370 environment                                      
 * =====================================================================  
 CEE2COB  CEEENTRY PPA=MAINPPA,AUTO=WORKSIZE                             
          USING WORKAREA,13                                               
 *   Call the COBOL program                                               
          CALL  ASMCOB,(X,Y)       Invoke COBOL subroutine                
 *   Call the CEEMOUT service                                             
          CALL  CEEMOUT,(MESSAGE,DESTCODE,FC)  Dispatch message           
          CLC   FC(8),CEE000       Was MOUT successful?                   
          BE    GOOD               Yes.. skip error logic                 
          LH    2,MSGNO            No.. Get message number                
          ABEND (2),DUMP                LIGHTS OUT!                       
 *   Terminate the LE/370 environment                                     
 GOOD     CEETERM  RC=0            Terminate with return code zero        
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------        
 *   Data Constants and Static Variables                                  
 Y        DC    PL3'+200'          2nd parm to COBOL program (input)      
 MESSAGE  DS    0H                                                        
 MSGLEN   DC    Y(MSGEND-MSGTEXT)                                         
 MSGTEXT  DC    C'AFTER CALL TO COBOL: X='                                
 X        DS    ZL6                1st parm for COBOL program (output)    
 MSGEND   EQU   *                                                         
 DESTCODE DC    F'2'               Directs message to MSGFILE              
 CEE000   DC    3F'0'              Success condition token                 
 FC       DS    0F                 12-byte feedback/condition code         
 SEV      DS    H                  severity                                
 MSGNO    DS    H                  message number                          
 CSC      DS    X                  flags - case/sev/control                
 CASE     EQU   X'C0'  11.....     case (1 or 2)                           
 SEVER    EQU   X'38'  ..111..     severity (0 thru 4)                     
 CNTRL    EQU   X'03'  .....11     control (1=IBM FACID, 0=USER)           
 FACID    DS    CL3                facility ID                             
 ISI      DS    F                  index into ISI block                    
 MAINPPA  CEEPPA                   Constants describing the code block     
 * ====================================================================    
 *   Workarea                                                              
 * ====================================================================    
 WORKAREA DSECT                                                            
          CEEDSA  ,                Mapping of the Dynamic Save Area        
          CEECAA  ,                Mapping of the Common Anchor Area       
          CEEEDB  ,                Mapping of the Enclave Data Block       
          END   CEE2COB                                                    
Figure 2. COBOL routine called from Language Environment-conforming assembler
       *Module/File Name: IGZTASM                        
        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.                         
          PROGRAM-ID. ASMCOB.                            
        ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.                            
        DATA DIVISION.                                   
          WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.                       
        LINKAGE SECTION.                                 
          01 X PIC +9(5).                                
          01 Y PIC S9(5) COMP-3.                         
        PROCEDURE DIVISION USING X Y.                    
            COMPUTE X = Y + 1.                           

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