Generating a Language Environment dump with language-specific functions

In addition to the CEE3DMP callable service and the TERMTHDACT runtime option, you can use language-specific routines such as C functions, the Fortran SDUMP service, and the PL/I PLIDUMP service to generate a dump.

C/C++ routines can use the functions cdump(), csnap(), and ctrace() to produce a Language Environment dump. All three functions call the CEE3DMP callable service, and each function includes an options string consisting of different CEE3DMP options that you can use to control the information contained in the dump. For more information on these functions, see Generating a Language Environment dump of a C/C++ routine.

Fortran programs can call SDUMP, DUMP/PDUMP, or CDUMP/CPDUMP to generate a Language Environment dump. CEE3DMP cannot be called directly from a Fortran program. For more information on these functions, see Generating a Language Environment dump of a Fortran routine.

PL/I routines can call PLIDUMP instead of CEE3DMP to produce a dump. PLIDUMP includes options that you can specify to obtain a variety of information in the dump. For a detailed explanation about PLIDUMP, see Generating a Language Environment dump of a PL/I for MVS & VM routine.