HLASM Programmer's Guide
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Return code

HLASM Programmer's Guide

A fullword, set by the exit, that indicates success or failure of the exit call, and the action taken by the assembler on return from the exit. Table 1 summarizes the return codes.

Return code 20 is described at Error handling.

Table 1. User-exit return codes
Exit Request RC=0 4 8 16 207
SOURCE OPEN Assembler to open the primary input data set 1 Exit provides records 2   Disable 6 Operation failed
  CLOSE Operation successful       Operation failed
  READ Exit has provided record     End-of-file indicator Operation failed
  PROCESS Accept record Discard record   Disable 6 Operation failed
  REINIT Operation successful     Disable 6 Operation failed
LIBRARY OPEN Assembler to open its library 1 Exit has opened its library 3 Exit has opened its library, assembler to open its library Disable 6 Operation failed
  CLOSE Operation successful       Operation failed
  READ Exit has provided record     EOD on input source Operation failed
  PROCESS (macro or copy member) Accept record Discard record   Disable 5,6 Operation failed
  FIND (macro or copy member) Operation successful Member not found; search assembler library if available     Operation failed
  END OF MEMBER Operation successful     Disable 5,6 Operation failed
  REINIT Operation successful     Disable 6 Operation failed
LISTING PUNCH OBJECT(z/OS and CMS) TERM ADATA OPEN Assembler opens the output data set 1 Exit has opened its output data set 4   Disable 6 Operation failed
  CLOSE Operation successful       Operation failed
  WRITE Exit has written record       Operation failed
  PROCESS Accept record Discard record   Disable 6 Operation failed
  REINIT Operation successful     Disable 6 Operation failed
  1. The assembler only uses the PROCESS and CLOSE operation codes on subsequent calls.
  2. The assembler only uses the READ and CLOSE operation codes on subsequent calls.
  3. The assembler only uses the READ, FIND, and CLOSE operation codes on subsequent calls.
  4. The assembler only uses the WRITE and CLOSE operation codes on subsequent calls.
  5. This return is valid from all PROCESS and END OF MEMBER requests, with these exceptions:
    1. PROCESS MACRO requests when the LIBRARY exit set the return code of 8 for the OPEN request.
    2. PROCESS COPY requests when the LIBRARY exit set the return code of 8 for the OPEN request.
    3. END OF MEMBER requests when the LIBRARY exit set the return code of 4 or 8 for the OPEN request.
  6. If an exit sets the disable return code, then the assembler does not call that exit again, so do any any resource clean-up before returning control to the assembler.
  7. See Error handling.

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