z/OS DFSMShsm Implementation and Customization Guide
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ARCTOOLS job and sample tool members

z/OS DFSMShsm Implementation and Customization Guide

The installation of DFSMShsm places a member called ARCTOOLS in the SYS1.SAMPLIB data set. Running the ARCTOOLS job creates the following partitioned data sets:
  • HSM.SAMPLE.TOOL– Table 1 shows tasks that you might want to perform, the members of HSM.SAMPLE.TOOL that accomplish these tasks, as well as brief descriptions of each member.
  • HSM.ABARUTIL.JCL — JCL used by ABARS utilities
  • HSM.ABARUTIL.PROCLIB — JCL PROCs used by ABARS utilities
  • HSM.ABARUTIL.DOCS — documentation for ABARS utilities
Table 1. Members of the HSM.SAMPLE.TOOL Data Set and Their Purposes
If you want to: Use member: That member is:
Extract data and generate a report from DCOLLECT records DCOLREXX A sample REXX exec that allows you to read records produced by DCOLLECT and create a simple report.
Determine key ranges when splitting large CDSs SPLITER A sample tool that allows you to determine appropriate key ranges for splitting the MCDS or BCDS.

MCDS or BCDS record images are analyzed to determine the best 2-, 3-, or 4-way splits for the specified CDS. All records in the specified CDS are analyzed before the results are displayed.

SPLITCDS A sample JCL batch job that allows you to allocate the data sets necessary to analyze the MCDS and BCDS and to invoke SPLITER to perform the analysis.
Note: For more information on SPLITCDS, see Determining key ranges for a multicluster control data set.
Convert data set masks to an assembler subprogram GENMASK A sample REXX exec that converts a list of data set masks to an assembler subprogram that can be included in data set related installation exits.
Issue the QUERY SETSYS command QUERYSET A sample REXX exec that issues QUERY SETSYS from an extended console with CART support. The results are returned in variables that can be processed.
Scan backup activity logs SCANBLOG A sample REXX exec that scans a week of backup activity logs and provides summary results.
Scan migration activity logs SCANMLOG A sample REXX exec that scans a week of migration activity logs and provides summary results.
Scan FSR data SCANFSR A sample REXX exec that scans FSR data in SMF and provides summary results.
Execute ABARS utilities Other execs in HSM.SAMPLE.TOOL Various REXX execs used by ABARS utilities.
Observe duplicate records when merging CDSs PREMERGE A sample JCL to assist in planning of a CDS merge.
Scan FSR data FSRSTAT A Sample REXX program that reads FSR data and presents statistical results.
Identify migrated VSAM keyrange data sets FINDKRDS A sample REXX exec that will read the MCDS and identify all migrated VSAM keyrange data sets.
Alter the management or storage class of a migrated data set HALTER A sample REXX program that modifies the STORCLAS or MGMTCLAS of a migrated data set.
Identify backed up VSAM key range data sets whose data mover was HSM. BCDSKEYR Sample JCL that reads the BCDS and identifies backed up VSAM key range data sets that used HSM as the data mover.

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