z/OS Infoprint Server Printer Inventory for PSF
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Backing up the Printer Inventory to a GDG

z/OS Infoprint Server Printer Inventory for PSF

Backing up the Printer Inventory to a GDG

You can back up the Printer Inventory to a generation data group (GDG). This section shows how to back up the Printer Inventory at 3 AM each day.

Rule: Do not use copy commands to create a backup copy of the Printer Inventory because the copy might contain inconsistent data that makes the Printer Inventory unusable.

Before you begin: Make sure that you are a member of the AOPADMIN group and have READ access to the AOP.ADMINISTRATOR resource profile in the PRINTSRV class.

To back up the Printer Inventory to a GDG:

  1. Create a GDG. This sample JCL creates a GDG for which five generation data sets are maintained:
    //AOPGDG    JOB   MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
    //SYSIN     DD    *


  2. Use one of these methods to run the pidu export command to back up the Printer Inventory to a new data set in GDG hlq.INV.BACKUPS:
    • Run the pidu export command as a batch job:
      //AOPBINV  JOB  MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
      //STEP1    EXEC PGM=AOPBATCH,PARM='/pidu -c "export //DD:INVENT;"'
      //              DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=32756,BLKSIZE=32760),
      //              UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(50,10),RLSE)
      //STDOUT   DD   SYSOUT=*
      //STDERR   DD   SYSOUT=*
      //STDENV   DD   *
      If Infoprint Server files are located in the default locations, you can omit the STDENV DD statement.
    • Run the pidu export command as a cron job:
      1. Create a file to contain a short shell script, such as /u/userid/do.backup. Your login user ID is userid.

        If you set the PATH, NLSPATH, and optional AOPCONF environment variables with the values required by Infoprint Server in /etc/profile or /u/userid/.profile, put these lines in the file:

        . /etc/profile
        . /u/userid/.profile
        pidu -c "export //\'hlq.INV.BACKUPS\(\+1\)\';"

        Otherwise, put the following lines in the file to export the variables. You can omit the AOPCONF variable if the Infoprint Server configuration file is /etc/Printsrv/aopd.conf.

                                      export PATH=/usr/lpp/Printsrv/bin:/bin:$PATH
                                      export NLSPATH=/usr/lpp/Printsrv/%L/%N:/usr/lpp/Printsrv/En_US/%N:$NLSPATH
                                      export AOPCONF=/etc/Printsrv/aopd.conf
                                      pidu -c "export //\'hlq.INV.BACKUPS\(\+1\)\' ;"

        Tip: When the cron daemon runs the commands in your crontab entry, it does not first run your .profile to establish environment variables.


      2. Set the execute permission bit for the /u/userid/do.backup shell script. For example:
        chmod +x /u/userid/do.backup


      3. Use the crontab command with the -e option to insert this line into the crontab entry to back up the Printer Inventory at 3 AM each day.
        00 03 * * * /u/userid/do.backup


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