z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration
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ISPF panel for the IP PrintWay Options section or component

z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration

ISPF panel for the IP PrintWay Options section or component

This is the ISPF panel for the IP PrintWay™ Options section of a printer definition and the IP PrintWay Options component.


                           IP PrintWay Options
 Retention period:
    Successful. . . . __________   Failure . . __________
 Retry time . . . . . __________
 Retry limit. . . . . _____
 Connection timeout . 30 
 Response timeout . . 600  
    Begin data set. . ________   End data set. . ________   Record. . ________
 Document header  . . ________________________________________________(extend)
    / Translate document header
 Document trailer . . ________________________________________________(extend)
    / Translate document trailer
    Transparent data char . 35
    Form feed .  .  .  .  . 0D0C     (extended mode) 
    Delete form feed. . . . 1  1. None  2. Leading  3. Trailing  4. Both
    Carriage control type . _  1. None  2. Machine  3. ANSI
    _ Automatic dataset grouping (extended mode)
    Dataset grouping. . . . 2  1. None  2. Job  3. Concatenate job
    Line termination. . . . ________        
    _ Omit line termination at EOF

 Basic Mode Formatting:
    Formatting. . . . . . . _  1. None            2. Standard
                               3. Translate only  4. Use FCB
    PostScript header . . . _  1. Add             2. Ignore
                               3. Landscape       4. Always landscape

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