z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration
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Creating an IP PrintWay printer definition for the VTAM protocol

z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration

Creating an IP PrintWay printer definition for the VTAM protocol

This section shows how to fill in Infoprint Server ISPF panels to create a printer definition for a VTAM-controlled printer that accepts the SCS data stream, for example, an InfoPrint 40 printer. IP PrintWay™ uses the VTAM® protocol to transmit data to this printer. This printer definition contains values used by Print Interface and IP PrintWay.

Job submitters can print on this printer by specifying myscsprinter as the name of the print queue or printer definition. JCL users can also print on this printer by specifying CLASS=K and DEST=MYSCSPRT on an OUTPUT JCL statement.

Values in the sample printer definitions are shown in either normal or bold text:

  • Normal text indicates either a default value or a value that is specified in an included component. Default values and values from the component are displayed automatically in the ISPF panels.
  • Bold text indicates a value that you must explicitly specify in the printer definition.

This panel includes the Allocation, Processing, and IP PrintWay Options components that were created in the previous examples. The asterisks next to the Allocation and Protocol sections of the printer definition indicate that one or more fields in these sections contain values that are explicitly specified in this printer definition.

                         IP PrintWay Printer Definition
 Printer definition name . myscsprinter     
 Description . An SCS printer                                  (extend)
 Location. . . Building 003, office E9-4                       (extend)
                         Component name        Custom values
 Section                  (enter to list)       (enter to customize)
 Allocation            => printway            => * 
 Processing            => vtam                => __
 NetSpool options      => _________________   => __
 NetSpool end-of-file  => _________________   => __
 IP PrintWay options   => retain              => __
 Protocol              => _________________   => *  

 / Use DEST, CLASS, and FORMS for IP PrintWay printer selection
 NetSpool LU name . ________   LU classes . .    __  __  __  __  __   (extend)

Printer definition name . myscsprinter
Spool allocation values:
   CLASS . . . . K                GROUPID . . ________
   DEST. . . . . MYSCSPRT         LINECT. . . ___
   JES node. . . ________         PRMODE  . . ________
   FCB . . . . . 8                PRTY. . . . ___
   FLASH count . ___              THRESHLD. . ________
   FLASH name. . ____             UCS . . . . ____
   FORMS . . . . ________         WRITER. . . ________
       . . __________________________________________________________ (extend)
   BURST . . . . _  1. Yes  2. No
   HOLD. . . . . _  1. Yes  2. No
   OUTDISP . . . _  1. Purge (without printing)  2. Leave
                    3. Keep  4. Hold  5. Write
Values for Separator Pages:
       . . __________________________________________________________ (extend)
   Building . . ____________________________________________________________
   Department . ____________________________________________________________
   Name . . . . ____________________________________________________________
   Room . . . . ____________________________________________________________
   Title  . . . ____________________________________________________________
Resource Related Values:
   Form definition . ________
   Character sets  . ____   ____   ____   ____
   Overlay front . . ________   Back . . ________
   Input tray  . . . ___
   Output bin  . . . _____
   Page definition . ________
   Resource library. ________________________________________________ (extend)
   Resource directories. ____________________________________________ (extend)
   Image shift x-direction front . . _____________   Back . . _____________
               y-direction front . . _____________   Back . . _____________
Error Reporting Values:
   Print error reporting. . _  1. None  2. All  3. Character  4. Position
   Error disposition. . . . _  1. Default  2. Hold  3. Quit
   Print error messages . . _  1. No  2. Yes
        Maximum messages. . ___
Other Values:
    Notify . . . . . . . ________  at node . . ________
                         ________  at node . . ________
                         ________  at node . . ________
                         ________  at node . . ________
    Checkpoint pages . . _____
    Checkpoint seconds . _____
    Copies . . . . . . . _____
    Copy group . . . . . ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___
    Color map. . . . . . ________
    Com setup member . . ________
    JES form length. . . __________
    Resolution . . . . . ___
    AFP parameters . . . ___________________________________________________
    Duplex . . . . . . . _  1. Simplex  2. Duplex  3. Tumble
    Label data pages . . _  1. Yes  2. No
    Restrict printable area . . _  1. Yes  2. No
    _ Table reference characters
    _ Save AFP statistics

 Printer definition name . myscsprinter
 Document code page . . ________________
 Printer code page. . . IBM-1047        
 Supported Data Formats and Associated Filters:
 Data format:  Filter:
 / Line data   _______________________________________________________ (extend)
 _ MO:DCA-P    _______________________________________________________ (extend)
 _ PostScript  _______________________________________________________ (extend)
 / Text        _______________________________________________________ (extend)
 _ PCL         _______________________________________________________ (extend)
 _ PDF         _______________________________________________________ (extend)
 _ SAP         _______________________________________________________ (extend)
 _ XML         _______________________________________________________ (extend)
 _ TIFF        _______________________________________________________ (extend)
 _ JPEG        _______________________________________________________ (extend)
 _ Other       _______________________________________________________ (extend)
 _ Resubmit for filtering

 Transforms to AFP:                                     
   Fail on error . . . .      1. No  2. Error  3. Warning
   Trailer error page. .      1. No  2. Error  3. Warning 

 AFP to PDF Transform Encryption:                                              
    User identifier . ________________________________________________ (extend)
    Owner identifier. ________________________________________________ (extend)
    Encryption level  2  1. Low (40-bit key) 2. High (128-bit key)
    Protected actions:                      
       Restrict print. . . 2  1. Yes  2. No 
       Restrict copy . . . 2  1. Yes  2. No 
       Restrict update . . 2  1. Yes  2. No 

SCS Conversion:
    Margins:  Top . . . 6     Bottom . . 62    Left . . 11    Right . . 71 
    Line length . . . . 80              Page length . . 66 
    Tabs:  Vertical . . ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  (extend)
           Horizontal . ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  (extend)
 NetSpool PCL Conversion:
    Print density . . . ___
    Line density. . . . __
    Orientation . . . . 1  1. None  2. Portrait  3. Landscape
    _ SCS automatic page orientation
 IP PrintWay Line-to-Text Conversion:
    / Pagination
       Margins:  Top . . __________   Bottom . . __________
       Page height . . . 58      
       / Print page header
 Maximum document size . __________
 Maximum copies. . . . . 1    
 Forms supported . . . . ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
 Duplex supported. . . . / Simplex   _ Duplex     Tumble
 Print-error reporting supported . _ Character   _ Position
 Input tray name:   Number: (more)    Output bin name:   Number: (more)
 ________________    ___              ________________    _____
 ________________    ___              ________________    _____
  IP PrintWay Basic Mode Attributes:
    SOSI mode . . . . . . . . . . _  1. None  2. ASCII  3. Space  4. EBCDIC
    Translation dataset qualifier . _______________________________
    Double-byte translate table . __
      1. BIG5             2. EUCKANJI          3. HANGEUL
      4. IBMKANJI         5. JIS78KJ-ASCII     6. JIS78KJ-JISROMAN
      7. JIS83KJ-ASCII    8. JIS83KJ-JISROMAN  9. KSC5601
     10. SCHINESE        11. SJISKANJI        12. TCHINESE

                           IP PrintWay Options
 Printer definition name . myscsprinter
 Retention period:
    Successful. . . . __________   Failure . . 0024:00:00
 Retry time . . . . . 0000:10:00
 Retry limit. . . . . 3    
 Connection timeout . 30 
 Response timeout . . 60   
    Begin data set. . ________   End data set. . ________   Record. . ________
 Document header  . . ______________________________________________ (extend)
    / Translate document header
 Document trailer . . ______________________________________________ (extend)
    / Translate document trailer
    Transparent data char . 35
    Form feed .  .  .  .  . 0D0C     (extended mode)
    Delete form feed. . . . 1  1. None  2. Leading  3. Trailing  4. Both
    Carriage control type . _  1. None  2. Machine  3. ANSI
    _ Automatic dataset grouping (extended mode)
    Dataset grouping. . . . 2  1. None  2. Job  3. Concatenate job
    Line termination. . . . ________ 
    _ Omit line termination at EOF

 Basic Mode Formatting:
    Formatting. . . . . . . _  1. None            2. Standard
                               3. Translate only  4. Use FCB
    PostScript header . . . _  1. Add             2. Ignore
                               3. Landscape       4. Always landscape

                                VTAM Protocol
 Printer definition name . myscsprinter
 Operator security profile
     . . . __________________________________________________________________
 Printer LU name. . . P002    
 VTAM Processing Options:
    Printer logmode. . . SCS
    Checkpoint pages . . 5 
    _ Send as transparent data

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