z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration
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Types of values

z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration

Types of values

You can specify these types of values:

  • Integer values
  • String values
  • Fixed values, also known as enumerated values

Integer values

Some attributes accept integer values. You can specify integer values in either decimal or hexadecimal format. Begin a hexadecimal value with 0 (zero) followed by the letter x. After the 0x, type any number (0-9) or a letter (A-F or a-f). Lowercase letters are equivalent to uppercase letters. The display command always displays the decimal equivalent of hexadecimal values.

For example, these integer values are equivalent:

dump-code = 0x09600c00
dump-code = 157289480

String values

Some attributes accept a string of printable characters. Enclose a string value in double or single quotation marks if it includes blanks or special characters (such as #, (, ), or $). For example:

description = "My printer"

Most string values are stored in the Printer Inventory with the same uppercase and lowercase letters that you type when you specify the value. However, in some cases, lowercase letters are converted to uppercase letters. For example, the value you enter for the output-class attribute is converted to uppercase because JES accepts only uppercase letters for the JES output class.

Fixed values (enumerated values)

Some attributes accept one or more keywords as values. These keywords are called fixed values. The pidu command calls these values enumerated values. Fixed values are case-sensitive. Always use lowercase characters when typing fixed values. For example, you can specify these fixed values for the printer-type attribute:


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