z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration
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Procedure for specifying attributes

z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration

Procedure for specifying attributes

You only need to specify an end-of-file rule and a form-feed option if the defaults are not suitable. By default, NetSpool uses the end-of-bracket rule to determine end of file and does not delete any form-feed controls.

In the NetSpool End-of-File section of the printer definition, you can specify either default rules or specific rules for different primary logical unit (PLU) names:

  • A default rule can apply either to all LU types (LU type 0, LU type 1, and LU type 3) or to a specific LU type. NetSpool uses a default rule only if you do not specify another rule for the PLU name and LU type being processed.
  • A rule for a specific PLU name or PLU name pattern can apply either to all LU types (LU type 0, LU type 1, and LU type 3) or to a specific LU type. The order in which you type the PLU names on the ISPF panel can be important because NetSpool uses the first rule that applies to the PLU name and LU type being processed.

    A PLU pattern must contain these characters:

    • At least one letter or number.
    • Either asterisks (*) or question marks (?) but not both:
      • An asterisk represents any number of characters at the start or end of a PLU name. Do not type an asterisk in the middle of a pattern.
      • A question mark represents exactly one character. Type a question mark anywhere in the pattern.

    For example, these are valid name patterns: IMS*, ??XYZ???

Although you can specify more than one end-of-file rule in the NetSpool End-of-File section, NetSpool uses only one rule for each VTAM® session.

If the same end-of-file rules and form-feed options are used by more than one NetSpool printer LU, specify the attributes in an NetSpool End-of-File component. Then, include that component in the printer definitions for the NetSpool printer LUs to which the rules apply.


These two ISPF panels show how to specify an end-of-file rule in the NetSpool End-of-File section of a printer definition.

On the NetSpool End-of-File Rules panel, you must indicate whether you want to specify a default end-of-file rule or an end-of-file rule for a specific PLU name or PLU name pattern. In this example, a PLU name pattern, IMS*, is specified. This means that NetSpool uses the end-of-file rule that you specify on the next panel for all PLU names that start with IMS™. Because option 5 is selected, the end-of-file rule that you specify on the next panel applies to all LU types with the PLU name pattern, including types 0, 1, and 3.

                           NetSpool End-of-File Rules
 Option ===> 5
 Default rules         1 All LUs    2 LU0    3 LU1    4 LU3
 PLU name IMS*         5 All LUs    6 LU0    7 LU1    8 LU3
 PLU name ________     9 All LUs   10 LU0   11 LU1   12 LU3
 PLU name ________    13 All LUs   14 LU0   15 LU1   16 LU3
 PLU name ________    17 All LUs   18 LU0   19 LU1   20 LU3
 PLU name ________    21 All LUs   22 LU0   23 LU1   24 LU3
 PLU name ________    25 All LUs   26 LU0   27 LU1   28 LU3
 PLU name ________    29 All LUs   30 LU0   31 LU1   32 LU3
 PLU name ________    33 All LUs   34 LU0   35 LU1   36 LU3


The NetSpool End of File Rule panel is displayed when you press the Enter key on the first panel. On this panel you must select the end-of-file rule. In this example, these options are selected:

  • String option: When NetSpool finds X'FF' in the input data stream, NetSpool ends the data set on the JES spool and starts a new one.
  • Keep option: NetSpool writes X'FF' to the output data set.
  • Delete form feed option 1: NetSpool does not delete any form-feed controls in the output data set.
                            NetSpool End of File Rule
 End of file method . 4  1. End of bracket  2. End of chain  3. End of session
                         4. String          5. Timer
 Delete form feed . . 1  1. None  2. Leading  3. Trailing  4. Both
 String . x'FF'
    / Keep
 Timeout idle interval . . _____   Busy interval . . _____

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