z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration
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Procedure for specifying attributes

z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration

Procedure for specifying attributes

To convert SCS and 3270 data streams to line data streams:

  1. On the NetSpool Options panel, select the Convert to line formatting option.


  2. (Optional) On the Processing panel, specify these default page-formatting values, which NetSpool uses for input SCS data streams only:
    • Line length field: Specify the maximum number of columns on each line. This is the default value for the SCS maximum presentation position (MPP) value. Allowed values are 1-255. The default value is 80.
    • Page length field: Specify the maximum number of lines per page. This is the default value for the SCS maximum presentation line (MPL) value. Allowed values are 1-255. The default value is 1, which means that NetSpool does not control the number of lines that are placed on a page. The VTAM® application controls the number of lines per page.
    • Margins: Left field: Specify the column number at which you want data to start on each line. This is the default value for the SCS left margin (LM) value. Allowed values are 1-255. The default value is 1.
    • Margins: Right field: Specify the column number at which you want data to end on each line. This is the default value for the SCS right margin (RM) value. Allowed values are 1-255. The default value is 80.
    • Margins: Top field: Specify the line number of the first line on each page. This is the default value for the SCS top margin (TM) value. Allowed values are 1-255. The default value is 1.
    • Margins: Bottom field: Specify the line number of the last line of data on each page. This is the default value for the SCS bottom margin (BM) value. Allowed values are 1-255. The default value is 1 (no bottom margin).

      If you specify a value of 1, NetSpool does not insert form feeds when the input data stream spaces past the bottom margin. However, NetSpool does insert form feeds when an explicit form feed or a Select Vertical Channel command occurs in the input data.

    • Tabs: Horizontal field: Specify horizontal tabs. This is the default value for the SCS horizontal tab (HT) value. Allowed values are 0-255. The default is no horizontal tabs. The input data stream can add additional tab positions but cannot remove default tabs set in this field.

      NetSpool always sets the first tab to the left margin value. Therefore, do not specify it. NetSpool ignores a value of 0. In this example, NetSpool sets horizontal tabs at columns 6, 15, 50, 75, and 100.

       SCS Conversion:
          Margins:  Top . . . ___   Bottom . . ___   Left . . 6     Right . . ___
          Tabs:  Vertical . . ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  (extend)
                 Horizontal . 15   50   75   100  ___  (extend)
    • Tabs: Vertical field: Specify vertical tabs. This is the default value for the SCS vertical tab (VT) value. Allowed values are 0-255. The default is no vertical tabs.

      NetSpool always sets the first tab to the top margin value. Therefore, do not specify it. NetSpool ignores a tab value of 0. NetSpool uses the first eleven tabs as line numbers for Select Vertical Channel 2 through 12. In this example, NetSpool sets:

      • Vertical tabs at lines 6, 20, 40, and 50
      • Vertical channels are set: CH01=6, CH02=20, CH04=40, CH05=50

      These vertical channels are not set: CH03, CH06 through CH12.

       SCS Conversion:
          Margins:  Top . . . 6  
          Tabs:  Vertical . . 20   0    40   50   ___  (extend)


  3. (Optional) If you want to send the data in PDF format in an email, specify the AFP to PDF transform in the Filter field.


  4. If the printer is controlled by PSF and you print DBCS output, on the Allocation panel, specify:
    • PRMODE field: Specify SOSI2.
    • Character sets field: Specify a single-byte font and a double-byte font.


If you need to specify the same fields in more than one printer definition, specify the fields in components. Then, include those components in each printer definition to which the components apply.


These examples show how to fill in the ISPF panels to convert SCS and 3270 input data streams to line data streams.

Example 1. Converting SCS data streams to line data streams

This ISPF panel shows how to request that NetSpool convert input data streams from VTAM applications to line data streams.

                             NetSpool Options

 Printer definition name . myprinter         

 Formatting . . . . 2   1. None  2. Convert to line  3. Convert to PCL
    Record size . . _____
    RECFM . . . . . _   1. VB  2. VBA  3. VBM


This ISPF panel shows how to specify default page-formatting values for SCS data streams.


SCS Conversion: Margins: Top . . . 6 Bottom . . 61 Left . . 3 Right . . 75 Line length . . . . 80 Page length . . 66 Tabs: Vertical . . ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (extend) Horizontal . 5 10 15 20 ___ (extend)
Example 2. Converting 3270 data streams to line data streams

This ISPF panel shows how to request that NetSpool convert input data streams from your VTAM applications to line data streams.

                             NetSpool Options

 Printer definition name . myprinter         

 Formatting . . . . 2   1. None  2. Convert to line  3. Convert to PCL
    Record size . . _____
    RECFM . . . . . _   1. VB  2. VBA  3. VBM


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