IBM Print Transforms from AFP for Infoprint Server for z/OS
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AOPBATCH DD statements

IBM Print Transforms from AFP for Infoprint Server for z/OS

AOPBATCH DD statements

The AOPBATCH JCL procedure accepts these standard DD statements:

Specifies environment variables for use by the transform. You can specify the environment variables in-stream in the JCL, in an MVS™ data set, or in a UNIX file. Specify the environment variables in the format variable=value, with one environment variable per line or record. Sequence numbers in columns 73 - 80 in data specified with the STDENV DD statement are ignored and not treated as part of the data.

If you omit the STDENV DD statement or do not specify one of the environment variables, AOPBATCH sets these default values, which are suitable for running Infoprint Server programs if your installation installed Infoprint Server files in the default directories:


AOPBATCH also sets the HOME environment variable to the user's home directory and sets the LOGIN variable to the user ID.

  1. To obtain MVS return codes (0, 4, 8) instead of the default UNIX exit values (0, 1), set the AOP_MVS_RETURN_CODES=yes environment variable. For information, see AOP_MVS_RETURN_CODES environment variable
  2. Do not specify the _BPX_SHAREAS environment variable. AOPBATCH will set it appropriately.
Specifies the system output data set where error messages are to be written. The data set can be an MVS data set or a UNIX file. The transforms do not write messages related to errors in the input data stream in this data set. Instead, the transforms write these messages at the end of the output document.
Specifies the system output data set where informational messages are to be written. The data set can be an MVS data set or a UNIX file.

You can also include DD statements to specify MVS data sets that contain input data to be transformed, the transformed output, or job attributes that are input to the transform.

  1. Do not use DD names STDIN, STDOUT, or STDERR to specify the transform input and output data sets. Instead, use other DD names, such as INPUT and OUTPUT, which are used in the example.
  2. If you have not added the Language Environment® run-time library (CEE.SCEERUN) or the C++ run-time library (CBC.SCLBDLL) to the system LNKLST, specify these data sets in a STEPLIB DD statement.
  3. You can concatenate input data sets that have the same data format; for example, PostScript data or AFP data. However, you cannot concatenate data sets that contain PDF data.
  4. If you want to write the output data stream to an MVS data set, allocate and catalog the data set before you run AOPBATCH, or include a DD statement in the AOPBATCH job to allocate the data set. Allocate a data set with these characteristics:
    • Record-format: VB
    • Record length: 32756 is recommended. If a record length other than 1024 is specified, change environment variable AOP_MAX_RECORD_LENGTH to this new length.
    • Disposition: SHR or OLD overwrites any existing data in the data set; MOD appends the output to any existing data. MOD is the default.
    The MVS output data set must be large enough to hold the output data stream. The size of the output data stream depends on the size and complexity of the document.

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