IBM Infoprint XT for z/OS
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Understanding the load process for Xerox resources

IBM Infoprint XT for z/OS

In the Xerox environment, all printable and non-printable Xerox resources reside on the Xerox printer. You use the Infoprint XT load process to create the AFP versions of printable Xerox resources and to gather reformatted information from the non-printable resources into metrics files.

When you convert Xerox jobs, Infoprint XT must have access to the converted AFP resources and the reformatted information in the metrics files.

When you print converted Xerox jobs on Ricoh Production Print Solutions printers, the printer driver software must have access to the converted AFP resources. AFP archiving solutions must also have access to the converted AFP resources.

When you load Xerox resources:
  • Infoprint XT creates AFP versions of Xerox font, image, logo, and form resources;
  • Infoprint XT saves internal information about most types of resources in metrics files. Infoprint XT uses this information to reduce processing time when it converts a Xerox job that uses the resources.

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