Installing, Managing, and Using the Online Library
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Making Bookshelves Available on z/OS

Installing, Managing, and Using the Online Library

Making Bookshelves Available on z/OS

  1. Start the z/OS BookManager Reader and go to the list of bookshelves.
  2. Do not select any bookshelves. Select Books choice on the action bar and press Enter.
  3. In the window that appears, select 6. Perform file functions.
  4. In the window that appears, select 5. Add.
  5. Type, between single quotation marks, the name of the first bookshelf you uploaded and press Enter.

    You may want to add to the master list, which is defined by the QLSHELF parameter in the EOXVOPTS REXX EXEC. For example, if you look at the EOXVOPTS member, you see a statement like this:


    The name of the master list here is:

    'EOY.BKLSHELF' The bookshelf is now added.

  6. Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 for each bookshelf in BKSHELF.LST. When you have finished, press F12 to return to the list of bookshelves.
  7. Type a slash (/) next to each bookshelf you just added.
  8. Select the Books choice on the action bar and press Enter.
  9. In the window that appears, select 6. Perform file functions.
  10. In the window that appears, select 4. Edit.
  11. In the window that appears, select 4. Add data set names.
  12. In the window that appears, type the high-level qualifier that you added to each file name, and press Enter. For example, ibmbk
  13. Press F12 to return to the previous window.
  14. Press F6 to skip the bookshelf you just added. The next bookshelf you selected appears.
  15. Repeat steps 10, 11, 12, and 13 for each bookshelf you selected.
  16. When you have finished with all the bookshelves, a window with the list of bookshelves reappears.
  17. Press F5 to refresh the list and see the newly added bookshelves.

You are now ready to use the new bookshelves. You can use the BOOKMGR command in your host session to view the bookshelves and books in a collection of IBM books. Refer to the BookManager READ/MVS books for more information about using BookManager READ on your host.

To conserve space on your host DASD, you can release any unused space you allocated when you uploaded the books and bookshelf search indexes. You can use DFHSM to migrate the data set.

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