What’s new in Maximo for Nuclear Power 7.6.0

IBM® Maximo® for Nuclear Power version 7.6.0 includes new features for conducting shift rounds, and for managing clearances. To assist you in monitoring equipment performance at nuclear sites, Version 7.6.0 adds the IBM Maximo for Nuclear Power Operator Rounds mobile app.

New IBM Maximo for Nuclear Power Operator Rounds mobile app

The new Maximo for Nuclear Power Operator Rounds mobile app guides you through the required time and sequence of readings that are needed to monitor equipment performance and condition at nuclear installations. The Maximo for Nuclear Power Operator Rounds mobile app provides you with filtering capabilities, text instructions, attachments, and warnings to ensure that proper actions are taken at every step of the work lifecycle. You can also upload data to the Maximo for Nuclear Power Duty Stations application.

Learn more about the IBM Maximo Anywhere Operator Rounds mobile app

Duty Stations application enhancements

To enhance the management of processes for duty stations, you can commit multiple readings simultaneously. You can also commit one or more subsets of readings. You can filter the rows by type, such as rows that contain comments or rows that contain readings that exceed specified thresholds.

Learn more about conducting shift rounds

Duty Station Plans application enhancements

For each duty station plan, you can now specify a security group in the Standard Commit field or the Surveillance Commit field. Specifying a security group in either of these fields enables you to control who can commit the readings that are created in duty stations for that duty station plan. You must be authorized to commit standard readings or readings that are related to surveillance requirements.

Learn more about developing duty station plans

Clearances application enhancements

The following enhancements apply to the Clearances application:
  • The user interface is enhanced to simplify user interactions during the execution of clearance activities. Only the actions or status changes that apply to the current clearance can occur. The actions make it easier to promote a clearance record throughout the various stages of its lifecycle.

    After installing or upgrading to version 7.6.0 of Maximo for Nuclear Power Operator Rounds, the user interface options are automatically enabled for existing security groups. To enable the user interface options for new security groups, you must select the options and the conditions that are associated with the actions in the Clearances application.

    Learn more about how to configure the user interface options in the Clearances application for new security groups
  • The automatic tag sharing process is enhanced to provide more options. When you use automatic tag sharing, the Share Tags dialog box displays shareable tags in Draft status that are available on clearances in Approved status. The Share Tags dialog box displays in this enhanced mode only when Maximo for Nuclear Power detects one or more clearances that are in Approved status with shareable Draft status tags. The Share Tags dialog box presents the option for sharing tags with clearances of any status. The tags are compiled into a single shared tag that is applied to the current clearance.
  • To improve the process of tag management, the display of tag information is enhanced. You can bypass warning messages, and proceed to the next set of clearance logic checks using the More Actions > Prevent Multiple Tags dialog box. With this feature, you can continue with clearance activities while you manage multiple tags of a specific type on the same component. The Prevent Multiple Tags dialog box displays tags on a clearance that encounter this rule. Shift Supervisor approval is not granted until the specific blocks are resolved.
  • You can block tag sharing for specific tag types. This feature ensures that a tag is tied to a single clearance. Multiple clearances cannot be associated with a single tag by means of the sharing function.

Some of the Clearances application enhancements are set with configuration options in the Organizations (Nuc) application.

Learn more about the Clearances application

Reading frequencies enhancement

You can set the reading frequency in cycle weeks. You can define the maximum number of cycle weeks for a reading frequency, and then specify the weeks in that cycle that require readings. The Cycle Weeks option operates along with the Nuclear Options > Reading Frequencies Options in the Organizations (Nuc) application. In the Organizations (Nuc) application, you specify the start date from which all current cycle weeks are calculated, for reading frequencies that use the cycle week process.

Learn more about defining reading frequencies

Lineup records enhancement

To improve the creation of lineup records, you can now create lineup records using either the Lineup applications or the Quick Insert feature of the Start Center.

Learn more about managing lineups

Site-level configuration option changes

Several configuration options are added in this release. The configuration options (MAXVARs) for operational and work management processes are available at the site level. The configuration options for the procurement process are available at the organization level.

Learn more about the Organizations (Nuc) application changes

Security Groups changes

Several options were added to the applications for which you can add security privileges in the Security Groups application.

Learn more about the Security Groups application changes

Documentation enhancements for Maximo for Nuclear Power 7.6.0

In addition to field help, embedded help grid text, and updates to existing topics to reflect the 7.6.0 changes, topics describing the enhanced applications are added to Knowledge Center. Topics describing the IBM Maximo for Nuclear Power Operator Rounds mobile app are also added to Knowledge Center.

New in Maximo for Nuclear Power previous releases

Previous releases of Maximo for Nuclear Power focus on new features for managing shift operations, equipment rounds, operator logs, condition reports, and compliance with technical specifications. Previous releases include the releases from versions 7.5 and 7.5.1.

Learn more about the previous releases