Operators and functions in database configuration formulas

Database configuration formulas can use most mathematical operators and commonly used functions to automatically calculate attribute values.

The following operators can be used in database configuration formulas:

Table 1. Operators that can be used in database configuration formulas
Operator Description Example
+ Addition purchaseprice+tax
- Subtraction enddate-startdate
* Multiplication unitcost*quantity
/ Division totalcost/quantity
% Remainder a%b
^ Power a^2
&& Logical and IF (a>10 && b<20, x,y)
|| Logical or IF (a>10 || b<20, x,y)
>, >= Greater than, greater than or equal to IF (a>=10 && b<20, x,y)
<, <= Less than, less than or equal to IF (a>=10 || b<20, x,y)
=, == Equals comparison IF (a=10 || b==c,x,y)
!=, <> Not equals IF (a<> 10 && b!=c,x,y)

The following functions can be used in database configuration formulas:

Table 2. Functions that can be used in database configuration formulas
Function Number of parameters Description Example
IF 3 Used for if/then conditions. IF (a>10 || b<20, x,y)
MAX, MIN 2 Calculates the minimum and maximum values between two numbers. MAX(a,b) or MAX(a, MAX(b,c))
ABS 1 Calculates the absolute value of a number. ABS (a)
DATE 3 Indicates a date in the following format: yyyy, mm, dd. DATE (2015, 10, 21)
DATETIME 6 Indicates a date and time in the following format: yyyy, mm, dd, hr, min, sec. DATETIME uses a 24-hour clock. DATETIME (2015, 10, 21, 14, 0, 0)
DURATION 6 Indicates the duration of a time in the following format: yyyy, mm, dd, hr, min, sec. DURATION (0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0)
ROUND 2 Rounds a value to a specified decimal value. ROUND (linecost, 2)
NVL 2 Returns the alternate value if one value is null. NVL (a,b)
PCT 2 Calculates the percentage of the first parameter based on the second parameter. PCT (Val, total)
FLOOR, CEILING 1 Calculates the largest or smallest whole number value. FLOOR (3.2)
SQRT, SIN, LOG, LOG10. TAN, COS, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN, SINH, COSH, TANH, RAD, DEG 1 Calculate basic math functions. SQRT (4)