New user interface skin

Changes to the user interface make completing tasks easier.

Modernized user interface helps users be more efficient

A new skin, iot18, is available that modernizes the user interface. This skin improves usability by increasing spacing in the user interface views and is responsive to the size of the screen. Labels for each field dynamically adjust position, moving from above the field to the left of the field as the interface increases in size.

New informationLearn more about configuring the user interface.

Dynamic positioning of labels that is responsive to screen size

Label positioning is controlled by the mxe.webclient.verticalLabels system property and is set to 2 for dynamic positioning of field labels, which is used only with the new iot18 skin. If you are updating from an existing skin, such as tivoli09 or tivoli13, to the iot18 skin and you want to enable dynamic positioning of labels, you set the system property to 2.

New informationLearn more about the mxe.webclient.verticalLabels system property.