IBM Maximo Asset Management Multitenancy 7.6

POST method

Use the POST method to update or insert a resource.

To update a resource, you must specify the ID of the resource. To create a resource, you must specify the primary key and all the required fields that do not have a default value, but no ID is required.

To update or insert an object structure resource, you can specify the _action parameter to identify actions that the integration framework provides, such as Change or AddChange.

To update or insert a child object of an object structure resource, the form data must identify each occurrence of the child object.

When you use the POST method to create a resource, specify the _ulcr query parameter with a value of 1 so that the response includes a link for the client to access the new resource. Otherwise, the content of the resource is included in the response. The link is included in the Location header property and the HTTP response code is 201 to identify that a link is provided instead of the data.

Example: Inserting an asset

The following method inserts asset 127 within the BEDFORD site by using a business object resource. The asset and site make up the primary key.
POST maxrest/rest/mbo/asset HTTP/1.1

Example: Updating an asset by specifying its ID

The following method updates an asset by providing the ID as part of the URI:
POST maxrest/rest/mbo/asset/1234 HTTP/1.1

Example: Specifying an action

The following method uses the _action parameter to specify a Change action:
POST maxrest/rest/mbo/asset/968 HTTP/1.1

Example: Updating a record that has multiple child objects

The following method adds two purchase order lines to a purchase order, and each line has two purchase order costs:
POST maxrest/rest/os/mxpo/1234 HTTP/1.1
In the example, the identifiers identify the following parameters:
Group identifier Parameters identified
id1 Parameters that belong to poline 1
id1-1 Parameters that belong to pocost 1 for poline 1
id1-2 Parameters that belong to pocost 2 for poline 1
id2 Parameters that belong to poline 2
id2-1 Parameters that belong to pocost 1 for poline 2
id2-2 Parameters that belong to pocost 2 for poline 2
