Response codes

Messages from REST resources are propagated from the resource instance to the response.

The following HTTP response codes are implemented by the REST API.

Table 1. HTTP response codes
HTTP code Cause
200 Success.
201 Success. The response contains a link.
304 Success. The data is retrieved from the cache.
400 The request cannot be received because of an invalid URI, for example.
401 An authorization violation occurred because of the configuration.
403 An authorization violation occurred because the resource is blocked by a system property.
404 The resource cannot be found or an invalid resource type was provided.
405 The HTTP method cannot be used for the resource. For example, you cannot use the DELETE method on a business object set.
406 The requested representation is not supported.
412 The resource is being updated by another user.
500 All other errors.

The messages support the languages that are supported by Tivoli®'s process automation engine.
