Asset topology

In the Assets application, the Topology tab provides a graphical representation of an asset and its relationships.

The Relationships tab shows the direct relationships of an asset and facilitates navigation through a chain of related assets. The Topology tab view provides an overall graphical representation of an asset and shows up to five levels of relationships. This view can help you understand the relationships in a networked infrastructure.

When you select an asset and click the Topology tab, the selected asset is shown with an outline box. Each asset in the display has a status icon to show whether it is in operation, not ready, or decommissioned. A work indicator icon is shown on any assets that have associated scheduled tasks.

Use the following controls to modify the view:

Control Description
Zoom Zoom in and out, or select an area to zoom in to.
Fit-to-page Resize the relationship map so that it fits inside the topology panel.
Overview Shows the complete image and allows you to view an area outlined in the thumbnail.
Breadth Increase or decrease the levels of transitive relationships from the source asset in the display.
Business View and Detail View The Detail View shows all the related assets to the specified breadth. The Business View is a filtered version of the Detail View. Only the asset classifications that were identified as Show in Asset Business View are displayed.

Asset information in the topology view

For each asset shown in the Topology tab, additional information can be accessed hovering over assets or using the context menu.

UI item Description
Asset Summary View When you hover the cursor over the graphical representation of an asset, summary information about the asset is shown. The information shown in this summary view and the order in which it is shown, is configured using the Configure Topology Viewer > Asset Summary View action.
Context menu options In the topology display, right-click an asset and select Asset Details from the context menu to show a detailed list of asset attributes.

In the topology display, right-click an asset and select View. This opens a submenu, listing options to view historical information, work orders, contracts, or tickets that are associated with the selected asset.
