Using silent mode to install the Sametime System Console

You can install the following IBM® Sametime® servers silently using these instructions: Sametime System Console, Sametime Proxy Server, Sametime Advanced Server, Sametime Meeting Server, and Sametime Media Manager components (except for the Video MCU). This procedure does not apply to IBM Sametime Community Server, Sametime Gateway, or Sametime Bandwidth Manager.

Before you begin

The Sametime System Console does not use a deployment plan for installation. All other Sametime servers that you install with these instructions require that you first create a deployment plan on the Sametime System Console.

About this task

Follow these steps to install the IBM Installation Manager in silent mode. Customize each product's response file, then install the product in silent mode using the customized response file. A silent install allows you to run the installation program with minimal administrator interaction.


  1. On the computer where you will install the Sametime server application, log on as root (AIX® or Linux) or as the system administrator (Windows).
  2. Find the software packages you need to download.
  3. Download the packages.
  4. Extract all downloaded packages.
  5. Install IBM Installation Manager.
  6. Install IBM WebSphere Network Deployment.
  7. Open a command window and navigate to the directory containing the extracted installation files for the Sametime server that you are installing.
  8. Set up the response file using one of the following methods.
    • Generate a response file by running the following command to start the graphical installation program and record your responses:
      ./install --launcher.ini your .ini file -record response file path -skipInstall agentDataLocation

      The response file is stored in the agentDataLocation directory, which must be a writable directory. You can use the new file as the response file in a silent installation. You can use the same agentDataLocation in the next recording session to record updating or modifying the product. The products that you installed, and the preferences, including repository settings that you use in the graphical user installation interface or the record mode without using -skipInstall are not stored.

    • Modify the sample response file and fill in your settings:
      1. Change to the responseFiles directory and locate the response file for the server you are installing.

        Unless you are installing the Sametime System Console, use the response file that includes _ssc.rsp in its file name so that it references the deployment plan that you created on the Sametime System Console. The other response files in the directory are used for installing without a deployment plan and uninstalling.

      2. Make a backup copy of the response file before editing it.
      3. Use a text editor to modify the response file and fill in the appropriate values for your deployment.

        Include the Sametime System Console host name, port, user credentials, and the name of the deployment plan that you created.

      4. Before adding the SSCPassword value to the response file, encode it with the generateEncodedPassword utility packaged with the installer (look in the generateEncodedPassword directory below the root of the installation media).

        Avoid using the ! or @ characters in the password. Although these characters are valid in WebSphere Application Server, some Sametime utilities have encountered problems processing passwords that contain these characters. After you have encoded the password, you can copy it into the response file.

      5. Save the updated response file.
  9. Change to the Installation Manager installation directory:
    • AIX or Linux: /opt/ibm/InstallationManager/eclipse
    • Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse
  10. Enter the following command to install the product in silent mode, specifying the edited response file name, and then the log file's path and file name:
    • AIX or Linux
      ./IBMIM --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input response file -log log_path_and_filename -acceptLicense
    • Windows
      IBMIMc --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input response_file -log log_path_and_filename -acceptLicense