Ports to open in firewalls

Work with your firewall administrator ahead of time to open ports in the firewall when connecting servers and clients. After you have completed the installation and configuration tasks, open the IBM® WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console to determine the exact ports that are being used. Then specifically open those ports in firewalls as needed.

This topics covers firewall ports for all IBM Sametime® servers except for Sametime Gateway (which is addressed in Opening firewall ports for Sametime Gateway Server).

Open specific ports in internal and external firewalls to allow messages to flow to and from the servers in the DMZ to the local Sametime community. In addition, verify that the external firewall allows inbound and outbound connections to and from specific IP addresses. Make sure any kind of SIP fixup or SIP inspection is disabled in your firewall settings. Clients always initiate connections to servers, but the connection must remain open during a particular session, for example, during a video call.

There are many times when deploying a node outside a firewall is a preferable and valid solution, but it requires several ports be open in the firewall. Installing nodes across a firewall requires that ports be opened so that the nodes can communicate with each other. At installation, WebSphere Application Server assigns many ports dynamically. Expected port numbers may change when you install more than one server on a computer. Use the Sametime System Console to verify the ports that need to be opened.

Keep in mind that sometimes port values change during the installation, configuration, and clustering processes, so it is difficult to predict which ports you will need to open. After installation, close down the firewall by checking which ports the WebSphere Application Server is using and monitor the firewall.

Table 1. Ports to open in firewalls for Sametime servers
From To Ports Function
WebSphere SIP proxy servers Application Servers 8879, 8880, 7273, 9356, 2811, 5003  
Sametime System Console Sametime Limited Use Community Server 80 To get and save the configuration information
Sametime Community Server Sametime System Console 9080 Policy service
Sametime System Console Sametime Meeting Server 8880 80 9080 9443 8501 8503 To get and save the configuration information and to connect the nodeagent and dmgr for WebSphere Application Server clustering services. The 8880 can be 8881 if there are two WebSphere Application Server components installed on one computer.
Sametime System Console Sametime Media Manager 8880 80 9080 9443 8801 8803 To get and save the configuration information and to connect the nodeagent and dmgr for WebSphere Application Server clustering services. The 8880 can be 8881 if there are two WebSphere Application Server components installed on one computer.
Sametime System Console Sametime Proxy Server 8880 80 9080 9443 8601 8603. To get and save the configuration information and to connect the nodeagent and dmgr for WebSphere Application Server clustering services. The 8880 can be 8881 if there are two WebSphere Application Server components installed on one computer.
WebSphere Application Server nodes Sametime System Console 9080 Registration, installation, deployment plan access

Sametime System Console



Standard LDAP Protocol (AD uses port 3268)

WebSphere Application Server nodes



Authentication and policy assignment

Sametime System Console



DB2 connection: Windows uses 50.000; Linux uses 50.001

WebSphere Application Server nodes



Sametime Meeting data, Sametime Advanced data, Sametime Proxy iOS messaging, Sametime System Console plans and policies.

Sametime Community Server


389 or 636

Standard LDAP Protocol (Active Directory uses port 3268)

Sametime Community Server

Sametime System Console

80 9443

To retrieve policy information from the Sametime System Console

Sametime Meeting Server

Sametime System Console

8880 80 9443

To connect the node agent and deployment manager for WebSphere Application Server clustering services

Sametime Meeting Server



Standard LDAP Protocol (AD uses Port 3268)

Sametime Media Manager

Sametime System Console

8880 80 9443

To connect the nodeagent and dmgr for WebSphere Application Server clustering services

Sametime Media Manager

Sametime Community Server


Sametime Community Server connectivity

Sametime Media Manager



Standard LDAP Protocol (AD uses Port 3268)

Sametime Media Manager Client 5080, 5081, 5060, 5061 Audio/Video SIP connectivity (can be 5062 and 5063 when the Sametime Media Manager is installed on the same computer as another WebSphere-based component; for example, the Sametime Proxy Server).

Connect Client, Embedded Client, Mobile Client, and Browser Client connectivity

Note: If Check Point firewalls are used between clients the Media Manager, verify that the SIP redirects are not dropped by the firewall. For more information, search on "SIP packet dropped by illegal redirect" at the Check Point Support Center, which is located at checkpoint.com

Sametime Proxy Server

Sametime Community Server


Sametime Community Server connectivity

Mobile Client and Browser Client connectivity

Sametime TURN Server

Sametime Video MCU

  • 40000 to 49999 UDP -- (Starting with S9 GA until OpenSSL Security Bulletin released in September 2015)
  • 49152-59151 UDP (Starting with OpenSSL Security Bulletin released in September 2015 )

Sametime Client


20830-20930 UDP

Audio and Video Port Range (UDP)

Connect Client, Embedded Client, Mobile Client, and Browser Client connectivity

Sametime Video MCU

Sametime TURN Server

49152 to 65535 UDP



Sametime Community Server

1533 80 1352 for Notes® SSO

Connect client or Embedded client connectivity


Sametime Meeting Server

80 9080 9443 443

Meeting client connectivity

Connect Client, Embedded Client, Mobile Client, and Browser Client connectivity


Sametime Media Manager

5080 5081 5060 5061

Audio/Video SIP connectivity (can be 5062 and 5063 when the Sametime Media Manager is installed on the same computer as another WebSphere-based component, for example, the Sametime Proxy Server)

Connect Client, Embedded Client, Mobile Client, and Browser Client connectivity

Note: If Check Point firewalls are used between clients the Media Manager, verify that the SIP redirects are not dropped by the firewall. For more information, search on "SIP packet dropped by illegal redirect" at the Check Point Support Center, which is located at checkpoint.com


Sametime Proxy Server


Browser Client and REST API connectivity

Mobile Client and Browser Client connectivity

Admin Client (Browser)

Sametime System Console


Administer Sametime System Console if the console is installed in a Cell Deployment.

Admin Client (Browser)

Sametime Proxy Server


Administer the Sametime Proxy Server if the server is installed in a Cell Deployment.

Admin Client (Browser)

Sametime Meeting Server

8500 8501 8503

Administer Meeting Server if the Meeting Server is installed in a Cell Deployment.

Admin Client (Browser)

Sametime Media Manager

8800 8801 8803

Administer Media Manager if the server is installed in a Cell Deployment.


Sametime Video MCU
UDP outbound and inbound can both use ports in these ranges:
  • 40000 to 49999 (Starting with S9 GA until OpenSSL Security Bulletin released in September 2015)
  • 49152-59151 UDP (Starting with OpenSSL Security Bulletin released in September 2015 )

Audio and Video Port Range (UDP) when the Sametime Video MCU is operating in the default multiple ports mode. Best practices indicate that you use the default values for these ports. These port numbers must not be subject to third-party load balancing, packet rewriting (NAT/PAT), or other network-layer manipulation.

Sametime Connect Client, Embedded Client, Mobile Client, and Browser Client connectivity



20830 - 20930

UDP for Audio Calls (UDP) 1 : 1 (peer-to-peer)

Connect Client, Embedded Client, Mobile Client, and Browser Client connectivity



20832 - 20932

UDP for Video Calls (UDP) 1 : 1 (peer-to-peer)

Connect Client, Embedded Client, Mobile Client, and Browser Client connectivity


Sametime TURN Server

3478 UDP or TCP

TURN, STUN, and ICE protocols if NAT is in place. This UDP port should be reachable by internal and external clients. The TCP port can be disabled by default and should be opened only if UDP traffic is forbidden due to company policy.

Connect Client, Embedded Client, Mobile Client, and Browser Client connectivity

Table 2 lists the WebSphere communication ports that are used between servers.

Table 2. Key ports used between servers
Port Description
BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS Used to tie members of the cell together.
SOAP_CONNECTOR_ ADDRESS Used for administration of remote nodes and synchronization.
DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS High Availability Manager Communication Port, handles inbound Distribution and Consistency Services (DCS) messages.
IPC_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS Inter-Process Communication Protocol, JMX Communications and commands, for example, start/stop server
NODE_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS Used by the deployment manager and other nodes to 'discover' each other.
CELL_ DISCOVERY_ ADDRESS Used by the nodeagents and servers to discover the deployment manager
XDAAgent Used to enable communication between the deployment manager, the node agents, and the middleware agents. The ODR uses this port to collect information from other servers, including nodeagents.
OVERLAY_UDP_LISTENER_ADDRESS and OVERLAY_TCP_LISTENER_ADDRESS Used for peer-to-peer (P2P) communication. The ODC (On Demand Configuration) and asynchronous PMI components use P2P as their transport. This port is required by every WebSphere Extended Deployment process.
WebContainer and SIP Ports Used to channel end-user requests. These ports communicate end user requests with backend servers. If there is no WebSphere Application Server Proxy, you communicate directly with the nodes on these ports (for end-user requests). Used when a cluster of servers is fronted by a load balancer or WebSphere Application Server Proxy.