Domino on AIX may fail to start due to errors concerning the DISPLAY environment

Starting IBM® Domino® on AIX® 7.1 may fail with errors concerning the DISPLAY environment.

A Domino server on AIX 7.1 can fail to start due to DISPLAY errors such as these:
 Xlib: connection to <hostname> refused by the server 
 Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to server
 Please edit your shell's DISPLAY environment variable to reflect 
 an unlocked terminal.
Switch to the Domino user account and set the DISPLAY environment variable to your local screen on the console by completing these steps:
  1. Start a terminal session.
  2. Log on as root user by entering this command:

    # su -

  3. Add the Domino user's account to the server's access control list by entering this command:

    xhost +local user_name

    For example, if the user name is "notes" enter

    xhost +local notes

  4. Switch to the Domino user account by entering this command:

    su - Domino_user

  5. Set the DISPLAY environment variable to your local screen on the console by entering this command:

    export DISPLAY=Domino_server_hostname:0

  6. Restart the Domino server with the notes user account by completing these steps:
    1. Change to the data directory by entering this command:

      cd /local/notesdata

    2. Start the Domino server by entering this command:
