Setting up a smart host
A smart host is a directory server to which SMTP-routed messages are sent when the message recipient cannot be found in the Domino® Directory or other secondary directories configured on the server.
About this task
Typically, a smart host is used in organizations that employ multiple mail systems within a single Internet domain. Users on these systems may not be in the Domino Directory. For example, if some users are on a UNIX sendmail system but their inbound messages are routed through the Domino mail system, you can set up a smart host to ensure proper address resolution.
After you set up a smart host, when Domino receives a message, if the domain part of the recipient's address matches the local Internet domain or one of the alternate Internet domain aliases defined in the Global Domain document, the Router looks up the address against all configured directories. If the address is not found, the Router then uses SMTP to forward the message to the configured smart host.
Domino sends all messages addressed to unknown recipients in the local Internet domain to the configured smart host. You cannot configure Domino to send to the smart host only messages addressed to recipients in some subset of the internal domains and domain aliases defined in the Global domain document. Domino does not send messages addressed to unknown Notes® addresses to the smart host.
You must have DNS set up correctly to use a smart host.