Formatting log records

You can display log records in several formats. The standard Transaction Analysis Workbench format uses knowledge modules to display log records organized into segments, with field names next to field values. Dump formats show raw log record data without using knowledge modules.


  1. In the log browser, enter S next to a record that you want to display.
    By default, the log browser displays the record in standard Transaction Analysis Workbench format.
  2. Enter one of the following values in the Format field in the top-right corner of the panel:
    Standard Transaction Analysis Workbench format. This format uses knowledge modules to interpret log records: naming and organizing fields (based on DSECT mapping structures), and displaying field values according to their data type.
    Figure 1. Panel: STD (standard) log record display format
    Form    ===>          +     Use Form in Filter                Format ===> STD 
     ********************************* Top of data *********************************
     +0004  Code... CA01  Transaction                                            
     +0408  STCK... C62D2D082BD70621      LSN.... 0000000000000023
            Date... 2010-06-24 Thursday   Time...
     +0000  LL......... 0418        ZZ......... 0000        Type....... CA
     +0005  Subtype.... 01          Vers....... 'IPI420'
     +00A4  ID......... Transaction Identification section 
     +00A4  TranCode... 'MQATREQ1'  Program.... 'MQATPGM '
     +00B4  Userid..... 'FUNTRM15'  ITerm...... 'FUNTRM15'
     +00C4  LTerm...... 'FUNTRM15'  LTermOut... 'FUNTRM15'
     +00D4  Terminal... 'SC0TCP15'  LTermOvr... '        '

    Record segments are delineated by a blank line.

    Segment or field group names have a description.

    Field names are point-and-shoot. To zoom in to see more details of a field, move the cursor to the field name, and then press Enter.

    Field contents are displayed in different formats depending on the type of field:

    • Character data is enclosed in quotes
    • Numeric data is prefixed by + for positive values or - for negative values
    • Hexadecimal data and flags are hexadecimal digits
    • Dump fields are in dump format showing the offset within the field, the hexadecimal data, and EBCDIC character translation
    Form-based Transaction Analysis Workbench format. Same as STD, but limited to displaying the fields defined in a form: either the form that you select in the Form field or, if you select the Use Form in Filter option, the form for the currently displayed record type named in the active filter.
    Dump format, similar to a SYSUDUMP dump data set.
    Figure 2. Panel: DUMP log record display format
    Format ===> DUMP
     ********************************* Top of data *********************************
     +0000  04180000 CA01C9D7 C9F4F2F0 00030000   *......IPI420....*
     +0010  00000050 02B00001 00000300 01080001   *...&............*
     +0020  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   *................*
     +0030  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   *................*
     +0040  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   *................*
     +0050  C9C1C4C7 40404040 C62D2D08 2BD24F41   *IADG    F....K|.*
     +0060  C9C1C4C7 40404040 C62D2D08 2BD24F41   *IADG    F....K|.*
     +0070  F5F1DCB0 40000006 D02C0000 40000840   *51.. ....... .. *
     +0080  0000F5F5 00000000 00000001 000001A5   *..55...........v*
     +0090  000001B4 00000001 00000001 00000000   *................*
     +00A0  00000000 D4D8C1E3 D9C5D8F1 D4D8C1E3   *....MQATREQ1MQAT*
     +00B0  D7C7D440 C6E4D5E3 D9D4F1F5 C6E4D5E3   *PGM FUNTRM15FUNT*
     +00C0  D9D4F1F5 C6E4D5E3 D9D4F1F5 C6E4D5E3   *RM15FUNTRM15FUNT*
     +00D0  D9D4F1F5 E2C3F0E3 C3D7F1F5 40404040   *RM15SC0TCP15    *
     +00E0  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040   *                *
    Vertical hexadecimal dump format with decimal offsets.
    Figure 3. Panel: HEX1 log record display format
    Format ===> HEX1
     ********************************* Top of data *********************************
         1  ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6
        61  ----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2
            ....................IADG    F....K|.IADG    F....K|.51.. ...
       121  ----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8
            .... .. ..55...........v....................MQATREQ1MQATPGM
       181  ----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4
    Vertical hexadecimal dump format with hexadecimal offsets.
    Figure 4. Panel: HEX0 log record display format
    Format ===> HEX0
     ********************************* Top of data *********************************
     +0000  0---4---8---C---0---4---8---C---0---4---8---C---0---4---8---C---
     +0040  0---4---8---C---0---4---8---C---0---4---8---C---0---4---8---C---
            ................IADG    F....K|.IADG    F....K|.51.. ....... ..
     +0080  0---4---8---C---0---4---8---C---0---4---8---C---0---4---8---C---
            ..55...........v....................MQATREQ1MQATPGM FUNTRM15FUNT
     +00C0  0---4---8---C---0---4---8---C---0---4---8---C---0---4---8---C---
            RM15FUNTRM15FUNTRM15SC0TCP15                                ....
    Tip: To switch between the current Transaction Analysis Workbench format (STD or FORM) and the current dump format (DUMP, HEX1, or HEX0), press the Switch function key (F4).