Time column display modes

The Time column in the log browser displays the event time stamp of each log record. You can display event time stamps in one of several modes, such as relative to the event time stamp of a selected record, or as the elapsed time between records.

To change the display mode of the Time column, enter one of the line actions described in the following table.

Table 1. Time column display modes
Display mode Description Line action
Wall-clock (default) Displays the time stamp of each log record as a time of day W
Relative Displays the time of each visible log record relative to the selected record R
Elapsed Displays the elapsed time between each visible record E
Nanosecond precision (relative or elapsed) Switches the relative or elapsed display between nanosecond precision and the default microsecond precision N

For example, to display times relative to a particular record, enter R next to that record.

Alternatively, enter the following primary command:

TIME mode

where mode is the same character as the line action.