Interactive log browsing

The Transaction Analysis Workbench ISPF dialog user interface includes a log browser that offers a consistent user interface for all supported record types, with features for navigating, finding, filtering, bookmarking, formatting, and extracting log records. You can select any combination of supported logs and browse them merged in a single view.

To start browsing, you select one or more logs and, optionally, a time period. The log browser displays summarized records from the logs. You can select a single record to view all of its fields, and then zoom on a field for a description of that field and its values.

Figure 1. Example interactive analysis of an IMS log file
Figure that shows a sequence of three screen captures from the ISPF-based log browser: starting from a summarized view of several IMS log records, then selecting a record to view all of its fields, and then zooming on a field to view a detailed description of its value.

By providing a consistent user interface for all supported record types, the log browser makes it easy to extend your analysis into record types and subsystems that you might not be familiar with. Learn how to use the log browser to analyze log records from subsystems that are familiar to you, then reuse those skills to analyze other record types.