Note: For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.

Administering MobileFirst applications through the MobileFirst Operations Console

You can administer MobileFirst applications through the MobileFirst Operations Console by locking apps or denying access, or by displaying notification messages.

You can start the console by entering one of the following URLs:
  • Secure mode for production or test: https://hostname:secure_port/mfpconsole
  • Development: http://server_name:port/mfpconsole
You must have a login and password that grant you authorization to access the MobileFirst Operations Console. For more information, see Configuring user authentication for MobileFirst Server administration.

You can use the MobileFirst Operations Console to manage your applications.

From the MobileFirst Operations Console, you can also access the Analytics console and control the collection of mobile data for analysis by the Analytics server. For more information, see Enabling or disabling data collection from the MobileFirst Operations Console.
Note: Deleting an application from MobileFirst Operations Console will remove all push subscriptions on that application as well.