Creating a page template

If you need to create new components because you need to work with different data or different queries, you will probably want to create page templates for displaying the new content types along with existing content types.

About this task

To create a web content page template, create a page under the Page Templates label. Or, if you want to create a customized CTC page template, first create a page by using the CTC template under a temporary root page that is mapped to a library where you are storing the template content. Then after you finish customizing the page, move it to the Page Templates label. This label is the root label for all page templates in the portal.
You can access the Page Templates label in the administration interface in either of the following locations:
  • Administration > Portal User Interface > Page Templates
  • Administration > Portal User Interface > Manage Pages > Content Root > Hidden Pages

When you create a web content page template, you define the layout, style, and contents of any web content page that is created from the template. Web content page templates have all the same flexibility and customization features as a standard portal page or portal page template. You can perform common tasks like adding content with portlets, changing the style of the page, or changing the layout of objects on the page. By using viewers with other portlets in a web content page template, you can create pages that support a wide range of user goals. Likewise, you can rely on only viewers and create a website that is primarily composed of information in your web content system.