EJPEI: com.ibm.wps.state.resources.StateHandlingMessages


Error in collection loader {3}: Missing attribute [{0}] of node [{1}] in document model [{2}].
A required attribute is missing.
Specify the required attribute.


Error in collection loader [{2}]: Node [{0}] in model [{1}] contains an invalid value.
A value in the given node is invalid.
Specify a valid value.


The collection contains an invalid object.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Illegal node value detected.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The String [{0}] could not be converted to the type [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The switch to window state [{1}] requested in the scope of portlet request [{0}] could not be performed.
This is an error message. The given window state is not valid to be set for this portlet in the context of the current request.
Correction of the condition is required.


The requested window state switch could not be performed since the targeted window state is null.
This is an error message. The given window state must be not null.
Correction of the condition is required.


The transmitted render parameter [{0}] is null.
This is an error message. This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


An error occurred in the portlet target accessor [{0}].
This is an error message. The requested window state or portlet mode is not null, but could not be mapped.
Correction of the condition is required.


The switch to portlet mode [{1}] requested in the scope of portlet request [{0}] could not be performed.
This is an error message. The given portlet mode is not allowed in the current context of the request.
Correction of the condition is required. Please contact the portlet provider.


The requested portlet mode switch could not be performed since the targeted portlet mode is null.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Please contact the portlet provider.


At least one of the transmitted render parameter has a null key.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Please contact the portlet provider.


The render parameter name [{0}] is invalid.
This is an error message. The length of the parameter is less that 1 character.
Correction of the condition is required. Please contact the portlet provider.


The label identifier [{0}] could not be mapped by the accessor [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The configured object [{0}] does not support the required type [{1}].
This is an error message. The configured pre- or postprocessor is not of the required type.
The remove the configured pre- or postprocessor from the StateManager.properties file or contact the provider of this processor.


The classname [{1}] specified for property [{0}] in the properties file [{2}] could not be instantiated.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot find the specified class.
Correction of the condition is required. Correct the value in the property file or provide the specified class.


The requested object instantiation failed.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The configured class could not be found.
This is an error message. The portal system one of the configured class could not be found.
Correction of the condition is required. Provide configured class if possible.


The node [{0}] is not a child of the parent [{1}] as required. The document model the delta input tries to fill is [{2}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The token stream does not contain enough tokens. The document model the delta input tries to fill is [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The decoded node index [{1}] does not match with the expected index [{0}]. The document model the delta input tries to fill is [{2}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The verb token stream could not be decoded from the data string [{0}]. The document model the delta input tries to fill is [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The verb [{0}] could not be recognized. The document model the delta input tries to fill is [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The node with identifier [{1}] in the int input stream could not be resolved to a real node in the document model [{2}] since the necessary mapping information is not available (available mappings: [{0}]).
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The int token stream could not be decoded from the data string [{0}]. The document model the delta input tries to fill is [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The child index [{0}] in the children list [{2}] of the node [{1}] is illegal. The document model the delta input tries to fill is {3}.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The merge policy [{0}] is unknown.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


An error occurred during the merge of the base and delta state.
An error occured while merging the base state with the delta state information.
Check that the given inputs are correct, or analyse stack trace to determine root cause of the problem.


The message token [{0}] is unknown.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


An error occurred when parsing a path expression.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Syntax error: The token [{0}] in the path expression [{1}] is not supported.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The path expression [{0}] contains too many tokens ([{1}] tokens detected).
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The path expression [{0}] does not contain tokens that can be parsed.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The path expression [{0}] could not be processed since it contains unresolved substitutions.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The requested codec with identifier [{0}] is unknown to the codec mapper [{1}].
This is an error message. The specified codec is not known to the portal system. The given URL can not be decoded.
Correction of the condition is required. Insert the codec factory in the StateManager.property file.


The codec with identifier [{0}] already exists in the codec mapper [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Check if a codec factory is configured more than once in the StateManager.property file.


The key manager could not create the requested key.
This is an error message. The requested key could not be created and will be ignored.
Correction of the condition is required if the requested key should be stored.


The parsed element [{0}] does not have the mandatory attribute [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The value of the detected attribute [{1}] of element [{0}] is invalid.
This is an error message. the value of the detected attribute is empty.
Correction of the condition is required.


Could not find user principal information in request [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Could not find server data information in request [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Could not find locale information in request [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Could not find content type information in request [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Could not find character encoding information in request [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The state document could not be found in the session [{1}]. It was expected to be stored under the key [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The object [{0}] has not been fetched from the object pool [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


An exception occurred in the object pool [{0}] during object instantiation.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


An illegal access exception occurred in the object pool [{0}] during object instantiation.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Received no tokens to parse.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


A SAXIOException occurred.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The portlet identifier [{0}] detected by the accessor [{1}] could not be converted to ObjectID.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Contact the provider of the portlet.


The layout model identifier [{0}] detected by the accessor [{1}] could not be converted to ObjectID.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The direction string [{0}] detected by the accessor [{1}] could not be converted to Direction.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The engine command [{0}] could not be instantiated by accessor [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The internal name mapper {3} could not found the required name mapping for the element (qualified name = [{2}], local name = [{1}], namespace URI = [{0}]).
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The state holder [{0}] accessed in the scope of request [{1}] is not writeable.
This is an error message. The state holder is read only as soon as the rendering phase is started.
Correction of the condition is required. Change the state holder before the rendering phase is started.


The attribute [{0}] could not be detected in the request [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The label identifier [{0}] could not be mapped by the accessor [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The window state name [{0}] detected by the accessor [{1}] could not be converted to WindowState.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The selection identifier [{0}] detected by the accessor [{1}] could not be converted to ObjectID.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The portlet mode name [{0}] detected by the accessor [{1}] could not be converted to PortletMode.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The portlet identifier [{0}] detected by the accessor [{1}] could not be converted to ObjectID.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The accessor type [{0}] is unknown to the accessor registry.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


An error occurred in the state manager.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Error detected in preprocessor [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Remove the preprocessor from the StateHandling.property file or contact the provider of the preprocessor.


A SAXException occurred in output mediator [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The input mediator [{1}] could not retrieve the codec information needed to decode the URL [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Check if the given URL includes a valid codec and the codec is registered.


Missing the property with key [{0}] in the properties set [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Add the requested property to the property set.


The property value for key [{0}] specified in the properties set [{1}] is invalid.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Insert a valid value for the property.


The constant [{0}] is invalid.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required and must be done by the developer of the portal system.


A SAXException occurred in input mediator [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


An error occurred within the input mediator [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The input mediator [{1}] could not retrieve the URL for request [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The input mediator [{1}] could not interpret codec [{0}] for request [{2}].
This message indicates a problem with the received request. The input mediator in Portal is responsible for finding the right code to handle the request based on a codec name that may be present. In the indicated URL for the current request, the input mediator was unable to find a registered codec plugin matching the specified codec name string. This may indicate a problem in Portal URL generation, or possibly Friendly Unique Name or Mapped URL processing, but may also more likely indicate that some process is attempting to hand-code Portal URLs.
Portal URL generation and handling is a complex process. In order to correct the problem, it will be necessary to determine the source of the bad URL. Tracing using the string "com.ibm.wps.engine.*=all" may help by showing the referer header for the request containing the bad URL. If the URL is being generated outside of Portal, then the appropriate developer of the outside process should be contacted. If the bad URL is being generated by Portal URL Generation, contact IBM Support for assistance in debugging the problem.


The requested accessor [{0}] could not be instantiated.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Insert the requested accessor to the list of accessors in the StateManager.property file.


The document model factory could not create a new state document.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The document model [{0}] could not be cloned (clone method [{1}]).
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The theme identifier [{0}] detected by the accessor [{1}] could not be converted to ObjectID.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Check if a valid theme identifier is given.


An error occurred when executing the processing phase [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The codec with the identifier [{0}] has already been registered with the tokenizer [{1}]. The new tokenizer [{2}] cannot be registered with the same codec.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Check if the codec is registered only once in the StateHandling.property file.


Error detected in the rendering process: [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The redirect could not be initiated: [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Check if the URL is a valid URL.


The user session of user [{0}] for markup [{1}] could not be suspended. The value to be suspended is: [{2}]. Reason: {3}.
This is an error message. The information could not be stored. The user will start the next session with the default values.
Correction of the condition is required, if the user session should be stored.


The user session could not be stored. Following error will be ignored [{0}].
This is an error message. The information could not be stored. The user will start the next session with the default values.
Correction of the condition is required.


The sink for user [{0}] is not available. Reason [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The source for user [{0}] is not available. Reason [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The icon [{0}] could not be found.
This is an error message. The icon can not be shown without correction of the error.
Correction of the condition is required. Provide the icon in the search path of the portal system.


The resource type [{0}] is invalid.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Check if a valid resource type is provided.


The resource [{0}] could not be found.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. Provide the resource in the search path of the portal system.


The transformer output mediator for XSL file [{0}] could not be created. Reason: [{1}].
This is an error message. The user session will be not suspended. During the start of the next user session the user starts with the default values.
Correction of the condition is required. Provide the correct path to the XSL file.


The state could not be stored in the session. Reason: [{0}].
This is an error message. The user session will be not suspended. During the start of the next user session the user starts with the default values.
Correction of the condition is required.


The state could not be found in the current request. A new state is used instead.
This is an error message. The portal system tries to merge the current state with the suspended. The current state is not available. Only the suspended state is used for resuming the user session.
Correction of the condition is required.


No selection is set.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required. To avoid the problem insert a preprocessor to find the default selection.


The key used to retrieve the user session could not be created. The user session stored in the database will be ignored.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot resume the user session.
Correction of the condition is required.


The key used to suspend the user session could not be created. The user session can not be suspended.
This is an error message. The user session will be not suspended. During the start of the next user session the user starts with the default values.
Correction of the condition is required.


The user session could not be resumed. Reason: [{0}].
This is an error message. The user starts the the default state.
Correction of the condition is required.


The user session could not be suspended. Reason: [{0}].
This is an error message. The user session will be not suspended. During the start of the next user session the user starts with the default values.
Correction of the condition is required.


The access control user context could not be determined during phase [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


One or several engine actions could not be executed during phase [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The requested portlet action could not be executed during phase [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The requested login action could not be executed during phase [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The requested logout action could not be executed during phase [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


One or several portlet shadow commands could not be executed during phase [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Could not perform session validation during phase [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Could not load portal pages during phase [{0}].
This is an error message. The pages can not be shown.
Correction of the condition is required.


An error occurred during the rendering in phase [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Could not set remote cache information object during phase [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot obtain a selection accessor factory.
This is an error message. The default selection could be not detected be the preprocessor.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot obtain a label selection accessor factory.
This is an error message. The default selection could be not detected be the preprocessor.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot determine a selection.
This is an error message. The default selection could be not detected be the preprocessor.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot not deserialize the action result [{1}] of action [{0}]. Reason: [{2}]
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot serialize the state document model [{1}] representing the action result of action [{0}]. Reason: [{2}]
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot execute the engine action [{1}] with id = [{0}]. (Action Manager = [{2}])
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot execute the engine action [{1}] with id = [{0}] that dispatches to the portlet container. (Action Manager = [{2}])
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The action identifier [{0}] detected by action manager [{1}] is invalid.
This is an error message. The action can not be executed and will be ignored.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot retrieve the portlet state manager controller from the action request [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot retrieve the portlet state manager from the portlet request [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The portlet state manager cannot be initialized from the following preferences: [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The ID [{0}] of the virtual portal for the request cannot be assigned twice. The ID [{1}] has already been assigned with the request [{2}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The specified xslt File [{0}] could not be found. The user session will be not suspended.
This is an error message. The user session will be not suspended. During the start of the next user session the user starts with the default values.
Correction of the condition is required.


The CRC value read from the GZIP input stream ([{0}]) did not match the calculated CRC value ([{1}]).
This is an error message. The portal system cannot proceed with the state in the URL.
Correction of the condition is required. Check if the URL is valid.


Error during the instantiation of an object of class [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot initialize dynamic information provider (legacy) [{0}]. Reason: [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot change the mode of portlet [{0}] according to the given mode modifier [{1}]. Reason: [{2}].
This is an error message. The portal system proceed without changing the portlet mode.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot change the window state of portlet [{0}] according to the requested state [{1}]. Reason: [{2}].
This is an error message. The portal system proceed without changing the window state.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot create portlet layout window for portlet [{0}]. Reason: [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot access portlet mode of portlet [{0}]. Returning view mode. Reason: [{1}].
This is an error message.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot access previous mode of portlet [{0}]. Returning view mode. Reason: [{1}].
This is an error message.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot initialize portlet handling for portlet [{0}]. Reason: [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system ignores this error. The portlet action will be not initialized.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot access window state of portlet [{0}]. Reason: [{1}].
This is an error message. No window state will be returned.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot create portlet action URL for portlet [{0}]. Reason: [{1}].
This is an error message. No URL will be returned.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot merge the request parameters with the render parameters of portlet [{0}]. Reason: [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot create bookmark URL that points to the current selection. Reason: [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system proceed without creating the bookmark.
Correction of the condition is required. Try again to create the bookmark URL.


Cannot create URL that triggers the delete portlet command for portlet [{0}] on page [{1}]. Reason: [{2}].
This is an error message. The portal system proceed without deleting the portlet.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot create URL that triggers the move portlet command for portlet [{0}] on page [{1}]. Reason: [{2}].
This is an error message. The portal system proceed without moving the portlet.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot iterate over the given list model. Reason: [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot convert the identifier [{0}] into an ObjectID. Reason: [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The encoded target type detected by portlet target accessor [{0}] operating on portlet [{1}] is unknown. Returning false.
This is an error message. The portal system proceed without invoking the portlet action.
Correction of the condition is required.


An exception occurred in the dynamic information provider [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The output mediator factory [{0}] could not instantiate /initialize the requested output mediator.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The Default input mediator can not used. Use the Emergency input mediator instead.
This is a warning message. The portal system receives an URL where the state cannot be decoded. The portal system use the default state instead.
Check if that the URL is not changed manually and the URL is valid.


The window state cannot be removed from the window state stack. Reason [{0}]
This is a warning message. The portal system returns null for this method.
Check if a window state was popped before.


The portlet mode cannot be removed from the portlet mode stack. Reason [{0}]
This is a warning message. The portal system returns null for this method.
Check if a portlet mode was popped before.


The window state history cannot be set. Reason [{0}]
This is a warning message. The portal system proceed without setting window state history.
Contact the portal provider.


The portlet mode history cannot be set. Reason [{0}]
This is a warning message. The portal system proceed without setting portlet mode history.
Contact the portal provider.


The user suspend and resume service is not available. No user session can be stored.
This is a warning message. The portal system proceed without storing the user session data.
Check if the Suspend Resume Service is included in the file services.properties.


A general state exception occurred.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The transformer for the resume mediator can not be created. Reason [{0}]
This is a warning message. The portal system use the EmptyResumeMediator instead. The session resume of the current user can not be proceeded.
Check the exception and correct the condition.


Cannot create portlet redirect URL for portlet [{0}]. Reason: [{1}].
This is an error message. No URL will be returned.
Correction of the condition is required.


The input mediator [{0}] could not decode the navigational state information retrieved from the URL.
This is an error message. The information in the URL representing the navigational state could not be decoded. Typically this error occurs if the URL to be decoded is corrupted or if encodeURL is not called upon resource URLs.
Make sure that the URL information representing navigational state does not get corrupted. Also make sure that resource URLs are URL-encoded.


An IO exception occurred during decoding. Information that could not be decoded: [{0}]
This is an error message. The URL could not be decoded properly due to an IOException. The information in the URL representing the navigational state could not be decoded. Typically this error occurs if the information to be decoded is corrupted.
Make sure that the information to be decoded does not get corrupted.


The URL information representing codec is unknown. Therefore it cannot be used for URL decoding. Unknown codec: [{0}]
This is an error message. The URL information representing the codec which is needed for URL decoding is unknown. Typically this error occurs if the URL to be decoded (in particular the contained codec information) is corrupted.
Make sure that the codec information in the URL does not get corrupted.


The input mediator [{0}] could not interpret the navigational state information retrieved from the URL. State information: [{1}]
This is an error message. The navigational state information retrieved from the request URL could not be interpreted semantically though the state is syntactically correct.
Please contact the portal provider.


The name mapper factory [{0}] could not map the object id [{1}] to a name mapper. The id is unknown.
The name mapper factory supports name mappers only that have been registered in the configuration file StateManagerService.properties
Specify the name mapper including its id within StateManagerService.properties


The action ID handler [{0}] could not be initialized properly for the given request [{1}] and given state partition map [{2}].
The request-specific initialization of the action ID handler failed.
Contact the portal provider.


The action ID handler [{0}] could not validate the action identifier [{1}].
The action identifier could not be validated.
Contact the portal provider.


The requested URL [{0}] cannot be decoded. Reason: [{1}]
The navigational state carried by the received URL cannot be decoded.
Report this problem to your administrator. The URL cannot be decoded for either of the following reasons: The URL is a resource URL in which case the encodeURL() call needs to be invoked prior to writing the URL to the markup. This is usually done in a jsp in the theme. If it is not a resource URL check whether the path information of the URL got corrupted and look at the portal log files to get more detailed information.


The URL factory [{0}] cannot be instantiated.
The URL factory cannot be instantiated.
Inspect the WPS log files for the root cause of this error.


The unique name [{0}] is unknown and cannot be mapped to an ObjectID.
The unique name cannot be mapped to an ObjectID because it is unknown.
Check that the unique name is properly set for the respective artifact. Typically unique names are defined via XML Access or via administration portlets (for example, the "Custom unique names" portlet).


The given unique name is null.
The given unique name is null though it must not be null.
Make sure that the calling code does not pass in null for the unique name.


Preprocessing of decoded state information failed.
The decoded navigational state cannot be preprocessed because an error in one of the preprocessors of the preprocessor chain occured.
Verify that a valid request was submitted to portal.


An error occured in the output mediator [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The given shared state id is null.
The given shared state id is null though it must not be null.
Make sure that the calling code does not pass in null for the shared state id.


Error in collection loader [{2}]: Node [{0}] in model [{1}] contains an invalid value.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The given parameters cannot be set to the given state.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The given parameters cannot be set. The given object id is not of type [{0}] but is [{1}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


The given parameters cannot be removed from the given state.
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Error parameters cannot be obtained for the given portlet window with ObjectID [{0}].
This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Correction of the condition is required.


Cannot execute the received action [{0}] due to an internal error.
The received action URL cannot be executed due to an internal error.
Inspect the WPS log files to get information about the root cause of this error.


Cannot execute the received action [{0}] due to a security risk. The assigned action ID [{1}] is invalid.
The received action URL contains an invalid action ID.
Make sure that action URLs are not shared across user sessions. Action URLs are only valid in the scope of the user session the URL was originally created for.


Cannot execute the received action [{0}] due to a security violation. The action URL needs to contain an action ID.
For security reasons, action URLs that should be executed for an authenticated portal user need to contain an action ID.
Make sure that action URLs are not shared across user sessions. Action URLs are only valid in the scope of the user session in which the URL was created.


Cannot find a suitable URL encoding strategy for the provided URL context [{0}].
The URL context enforces a URL encoding which cannot be selected at the current point in time during request execution. Typically this error occurs if a URLContext is provided which only accepts relative URL encoding. However, relative URLs cannot be generated until the render phase starts (because, prior to the render phase, there is no pre-serialized base state).
Provide a URLContext which also accepts server-relative (=full path) URL encoding, or even absolute URL encoding.


The requested additional buffer size of [{0}] bytes could not be allocated, because the maximum buffer size is limited to [{1}] bytes.
The requested data size is too large.
Try to call the API with a smaller data size.


The element [{0}] was not expected at its current location. The XML document is not valid.
The parsed XML document contains syntax errors.
Correction of the underlying XML document.


The element with the attribute [{0}]=[{1}] was not expected at its current location. The XML document is not valid.
The parsed XML document contains syntax errors.
Correction of the underlying XML document.