Handling common customizations

After your themes and skins are modularized, update any customizations you have.

Style changes

About this task

In customizing your existing theme, it is possible that you modified some of the styles in the OneUI .css files. To preserve those changes in your new modularized theme:


  1. Copy any style class definitions that you customized into their own .css files, if they are not already.
  2. Place the .css files in the fs-type1 WebDAV \themes\YourTheme\css folder, and add the .css files as head module contributions to your main theme module.
  3. Optional: If you have a large amount of style classes, you can create your own module and place the .css files its war location. Create a module definition for the module and add the .css head contributions to it.
  4. Run your theme and ensure that your style class names are unique and do not conflict with other style class names that are loaded by other modules, such as the newer wp_one_ui_21 OneUI module. Rename any style classes that are not intended to be overrides to be unique names. If you use intended overrides, intentional reuse of the same style class name, then make sure that the other module with the same style class names is a prerequisite to the module with your .css contributions. The prerequisite ensures that the original style classes link on the page before your overrides link on the page, which causes your overrides to be used.

What to do next

Moving forward do not modify the OneUI style classes directly. OneUI is its own shared module now, so any modifications to it can be overwritten by service pack updates. Modifications would also apply to all themes that use that module, not just your one theme, which is probably not your intent. To modify the OneUI style classes make a unique copy of the OneUI module, and then modify the copy.

You can customize a small subset of the style classes without copying the entire OneUI module. Copy those certain style class definitions into a separate .css file and modify them. Then add the .css file as a head module contribution to your main theme module or other module that you created.

Footer changes

About this task

In customizing your existing theme, it is possible that you modified or replaced the existing footer. To preserve those changes in your new modularized theme:


  1. The dynamic spot mechanism in the theme.html files still applies to modularized themes, so your footer .jsp still works automatically through the dynamic spot in your theme.html files.
  2. If your footer is complex and uses its own resources such as .js or .css files, then consider making it a new module. The resources can then be logically grouped in one place and optimally combined when loaded.