Customizing End User Transaction location values

You can customize the locations applied to specific IP addresses or address ranges in the End User Transaction dashboards for your particular environment.

Before you begin

Use the Geolocation tab in the Agent Configuration to customize location values.

Use this feature to set the location of IP addresses that are displayed in the dashboard as Unknown. These addresses might be internal addresses, for example 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x, or external IP addresses that are not resolved. You can also use this feature to override incorrect locations for IP addresses. For example, if you know that the IP address is in Los Angeles, but it is shown as San Francisco, override the location, and set to Los Angeles.

About this task

Customize location values in the End User Transaction dashboards by uploading a CSV file containing the values you require. You can find a sample CSV file on the Geolocation tab.

The CSV file must have the following values as a header. The values can be in any order, and the entries must match that order.
For example,
IP_ADDRESS, COUNTRY, REGION, CITY, Australia, WA, Perth, Australia, VIC, Melbourne

You can specify a single IPv4 address, or a range. If you specify a range, ensure that you use a valid value in the range 1-32.


To customize the location values displayed in the End User Transaction dashboards, complete the following steps in the Application Performance Dashboard.

  1. Set up your CSV file or files, with IP addresses matched to locations.
  2. Upload the CSV file.
    1. Go to Agent Configuration > Geolocation.
    2. Click Upload CSV, select the files you want to upload, and click Open.
      • Ensure that your CSV file lists general IP address ranges first, before more specific IP addresses.
      • Upload multiple files if required.
      • If the values in one file overlap those in another, the values in the newer file override the values in the first.
  3. Expand Upload Results to check for errors. Check for the following problems:
    • Overrides
    • Invalid IP addresses
    • Invalid rows
    • Values longer than 250 characters


Wait a few minutes and view your customized values in the End User Transaction dashboards.

What to do next

You can remove customized values if required. Complete one of the following steps:
  • To remove some of your customized values, select the IP addresses that you want to remove, click Clear Selected Entries, and click OK to confirm the removal
  • To remove all customized values, click Clear All Entries, and click OK to confirm the removal