Tomcat agent: Upgrading the TEMA Core Framework on Windows

To upgrade TEMA core framework on windows for Tomcat agent, you must stop both the agent and server to upgrade the TEMA framework successfully.


  1. Prepare the Tomcat server setup.
  2. Install and configure the Tomcat agent.
  3. Log in to the IBM® Cloud Application Performance Management dashboard, goto Agent configuration > Tomcat, select an instance of Tomcat agent, and click Enable TT/DD.
  4. Restart the Tomcat Server.
  5. To apply IBM APM CORE FRAMEWORK, stop both Tomcat Agent and Server.
  6. Goto TEMA/<IBM APM CORE FRAMEWORK_HOME>. Run the command
    apmpatch.bat <Tomcat Agent Installationdir>.
    The framework is upgraded.
  7. Check the upgraded IBM APM CORE FRAMEWORK version by executing the following instructions.
    Goto <TOMCAT_Agent_Install_Dir>\InstallITM
    Run: KinCInfo.exe -i
  8. Start both Tomcat server and agent.