Changing the password for the shared truststore

The shared truststore is used by selected Liberty servers to verify credentials. If required, you can change the password.

Before you begin

Replace /opt/ibm with the installation path you specified during the Cloud APM server installation.


  1. Verify that you know the current password for the shared truststore. Run the following command:
    cd /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/shared/resources/security/ 
    keytool -list -v -keystore trust.jks 
    When prompted, enter the password. The default password is:
    The command should print the aliases of all entries in the keystore.
  2. Stop the Cloud APM server:
    apm stop_all
  3. Change the password for the truststore:
    cd /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/shared/resources/security/ 
    cp trust.jks trust.jks.sav 
    keytool -storepasswd -keystore trust.jks
  4. Encode the password by using the Liberty securityUtility tool and AES cipher:
     /opt/ibm/wlp/bin/securityUtility encode --encoding=aes 
  5. Update the Cloud APM server configuration:
    cd /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/shared/config/ 
    cp serverVariables.xml serverVariables.xml.sav 
    Update the value of the variable in the serverVariables.xml file. Use the value determined in 4, for example:
    <variable name="" value="{aes}AKPjaLK2Ng7Epa+PX41P0yWfbfyu98/g0FhhGDx/wpK/" />
  6. Start the Cloud APM server:
    apm start_all