Registering the data collector

You must register the data collector to collect the transaction tracking and diagnostics data. To collect the resource monitoring data, no specific configuration is required.

About this task

Register the following components of data collector depending on the transaction, diagnostics, or both types of data that you want the data collector to collect:
Table 1. Data collector components and their functions
Component name Monitors
httpmodule ASP.NET transactions and collects request response time and CPU time
profiler ADO.NET transactions and collects method, stack trace, and request context data for diagnostics
isapi ASP.NET transactions and collects request response time and CPU time
soap ASMX or WCF service transactions and WCF services response time
  • Use isapi32 to filter the 32-bit applications on a 64-bit Microsoft IIS Server.
  • Register all the components to track all transactions and view the complete transaction topology.


  1. Ensure you have enabled the collection of Apdex data, refer to Enabling collection of Apdex data.
  2. On the server where the agent is installed, run the following command as an administrator:
    cd install_dir\qe\bin 
    configdc.exe registerdc [all|isapi|isapi32|profiler|httpmodule|soap]

    • When you run the configdc.exe registerdc command without specifying any components to register, only httpmodule is registered.
    • To register all the components, run the configdc.exe registerdc all command.
    • To register any of the components together, run this command: configdc.exe registerdc component_name component_name. For example, configdc.exe registerdc httpmodule profiler
  3. Restart the .NET applications.

What to do next

After you register the data collector, you must enable the data collection for transaction tracking and diagnostics. For information about enabling data collection, see Enabling collection of transaction tracking and diagnostics data.

If you want to stop monitoring .NET applications, unregister the data collector. Repeat the specified steps by using the configdc.exe unregisterdc command to unregister all the components of data collector.