Cleaning up Db2 entries

When uninstalling the Cloud APM server, the Db2® database might fail to uninstall correctly. If the Db2 database is not uninstalled correctly, clean up Db2 entries before you attempt to reinstall the Cloud APM server.

Before you begin

If you are connected to a remote Db2 database, no action is required. If you installed a Db2 database during the Cloud APM server installation, check the /tmp/ log file to determine if the Db2 database failed to uninstall. If the Db2 database uninstallation failed, complete the following steps:


  1. Run the following command:
    ps aux | grep db2
  2. Stop all running Db2 processes, which are returned by the ps command, by entering the following command:
    kill -9 <processID>
  3. Remove all Db2 users (for example, dasusr1, db2apm, db2fenc1, itmuser users) by running the following command:
    userdel -r <username>
  4. Change to the /var directory and remove the /var/db2 directory.
  5. Edit the /etc/services file and remove all Db2 services (last services in the file, prefixed with db2).


The Db2 entries are cleaned up and you can reinstall your Cloud APM server. For more information, see Installing your server.