IBM Performance Management

Configuring applications to collect browser timing

To help you understand the performance of your web pages in a browser and any errors, the Response Time Monitoring agent needs to be able to collect timing data from the browser. With some simple configuration to the application that you want to monitor, monitoring features can collect timing data. This feature is available only in IBM Application Performance Management.

About this task

Before you can monitor interactions within your web pages, you need to add the JavaScript monitoring component to your application. The JavaScript monitoring component captures the state of web pages and their JavaScript interactions. Add the JavaScript monitoring component to the application that you want to monitor so that the relevant content and actions are automatically captured and sent to the Performance Management server for analysis and correlation. The results of this analysis are displayed in the End User Transactions dashboards.


Complete the following steps to enable collection of real user monitoring data from the browser. These steps need to be completed only once, unless the application configuration changes.

  1. Add the JavaScript monitoring component to the application. The procedure that you use depends on the application type:
    1. For Java EE applications, extract $AGENT_HOME/clienttime/ClientTime.war from the installation package to a directory accessible to the server. For example, on Tomcat, add ClientTime.war to /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/.
    2. For non-Java EE applications, such as Ruby, .NET, Python, and Node.js, save $AGENT_HOME/clienttime/wrtInstrumentation.js from the installation package to a directory accessible to the server.
  2. Associate the JavaScript monitoring component with the application.

    This association can normally be done by modifying an application header script. Typically, only one header script needs to be modified for each component or application that is to be monitored.

    For both Java EE applications and non-Java EE applications, add the following JavaScript to the application header before any other JavaScript:
    <script language="JavaScript" src="path/wrtInstrumentation.js" 
    where path is the path to the JavaScript monitoring component, which you set up in step 1. The path is relative to the path where the application is serving from.
    For example:
    <script language="JavaScript" src="/ClientTime/wrtInstrumentation.js" 


Pages that are instrumented with the JavaScript monitoring component are monitored, and data from the pages is analyzed and displayed in End User Transactions dashboards.